Can a moderator be canned

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Can a moderator be canned

Post by glaxom » Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:43 pm

for asking tough questions about formulations and time spent developing certain products?

Yes, i've seen it at a couple of websites and scam products and shills take over and sceptics
and dissenters are banned. I know MONEY talks but let's hope it doesn't happen here.
So , I for one hopes this is just talk from one guy saying he is going to get rid of one certain skeptic.

I saw this at Regrowth.............


Shut the #$%! up. Quit being an obnoxious prick. You don't want to try it--don't,
he's not on here to profit.
Just be happy that you still have your moderation abilities for the time being on HLF.

I am asking legitimate questions. The way BOTH of you are responding-
in such an immature raising even more questions.
Why in the world would you be trying to shut me up?
Now you're acting like you actually have some say-so at HLF. Good grief.

Actually, I do Jacob, and you'll find out in the future just how much.
You are being a prick, and you don't deserve even the responses you're getting.

Actually you don't. If you're so confident about that- post about it at HLF.
And you're still name-calling..because that's the best you can do.

Post about it on HLF? I prefer phone conversations. Wait-and-see.
Calling a tiger a tiger is as much name-calling as calling a prick a prick.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by Jacob » Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:47 pm

Keep in mind he also was insulting here in his responses- which is why those posts were deleted. He has not been banned. And like I said..some got banned at Regrowth for saying much less.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by glaxom » Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:14 pm

Well when it comes these hair loss products and their formulations , the more questions the better.

When a product promoter trys to eliminate somebody who's asking tough questions it makes me skeptical about every product that person is advocating.

Not a smart way to do business, unless of course you CAN take over the website and infest it with shills , phony posters and your cronies.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by zixcreator » Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:01 pm

I have an idea for picking moderators.

First only those who have posted regularly over the year are the only ones permitted to vote. For example voting rights would only be given to those that posted say 300 times in the course of a year.

Then anyone who wished to be a moderator would list themselves as a candidate. Then you have a vote and the top two or three people become moderators for the coming year.

The moderators would have to walk a fine line. Too harsh or too much promotion of their own products would cause their defeat in the election the following year. Too much curtailing free speech and they would be dumped next year as well.

Obviously the details would have to be worked out and it may get somewhat complicated. However if the owners truly want to build a website and a community that is essentially free and unbiased this is the only way I can think of to do it. But even more importantly it makes all the regular posters feel empowered. It makes them feel like this forum is truly theirs.

Thoughts anyone?

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by p__ » Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:04 am

Without commenting on the specific issue referred to, in general I agree, the more questions asked the better. As long as they are free from personal attacks and innuendos, of course.

Regarding moderators, I would personally prefer a moderator who is not selling anything at all... why should we accept bias? On a slightly political note, I prefer living in a free, democratic country, with freedom of speech, transparent governance and no corruption. Silly, eh?

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by Jacob » Sat Aug 08, 2009 6:57 am

When you set the rules ahead of time on who can vote etc..I think you're looking for trouble in the future. Would that many come on here and post that much just to get their shill elected or to get a mod kicked off? These days nothing would surprise me :lol:

I can see the owner selecting a # of folks and then everybody else voting.

But this isn't what the original post here is about. It's about a single person with a grudge threatening to get a mod unmod'd...or at least claiming he can. And that person would never qualify under your suggestions there, since he's obviously involved with a company and is even having them make a topical that I'm almost positive he's said he would benefit financially from if it became a success.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by OverMachoGrande » Sat Aug 08, 2009 7:04 am

This is going to be my only statement on this thread, and I don't even think I'm going to read it anymore after this.

FYI... just to put it out there as a preemptive commentary, for anyone that's going to turn this into a talk about "me" being a moderator... it's "not-applicable". I'm actually going to be doing much more profound things than that, and as anyone knows... I don't want to be very active in the daily forum grind for much longer, and am going to be involved in much "bigger picture" sort of things. The details aren't even close to being worked out, but it's probably going to be HERE. Maybe not, but there is a decent chance.

There is a movement started by Ertel at Regrowth, and followed by people like Lazerfish, that are trying to paint some picture that what I did was for money. That's absolutely ridiculous, and most of you know that. It doesn't deserve any more discussion. I, like a lot of the community that was at regrowth and now moved here, am actually one of the biggest consumer advocates for hair loss, and everything that I've done resembles that statement -from my site, to the dedication I've had over the past years to helping strangers fight their hair loss (to the extent NONE of you ever have), to yes... how I make laser helmets as a last option for those that can't themselves.. I intend to take the "consumer advocate" roll further, also. In fact, I intend to transform this whole god d*mned corrupt forum world at some point if I'm able to.

So, I wouldn't have mentioned this at all, but the whole "moderators shouldn't sell things" just isn't applicable, and it's very short sighted. I don't live in a world of "moral equivalency" or "no tolerance". I think someone like myself or Joe the Zix Guy -two people that sell things, but have proven track records of being on the RIGHT SIDE of the issues regarding freedom from this forum world's corruption, and proactive FIGHTERS against it- would be frankly the best people out there for this. PERIOD. Yes, go ahead and attack me for being arrogant or whatever, but there aren't two people out there that would be BETTER moderators of a site that purports to be free of the corrupting influence of the hair loss industry than me and Joe - the two people that have actively FOUGHT IT for years, which can be proven with what we have done with our time, energy, and lives with this stuff.

If you have a problem with it, then I'm sorry. If you have a tough time distinguishing between what people like Joe and I would do compared to someone like Ertel/Goa'uld would do -"I need to transform my forum into a moneymaker for me because I lost my job"- then you have a problem, not me, and not most of us.

There aren't many heroes in the hair loss industry, if any. The closest thing that we have to that is the old community at regrowth. THAT COMMUNITY is what made that site great, is what is going to make this site great, and it's going to make the most proactive changes in the corrupt hair loss industry.

Say what you want, I'm not going to comment more in this thread so you can "have at" my statements, but what I just said is essentially the last word. You're free to be a part of the community or not, but a zero tolerance attitude that slaps people that have risked lawsuits, financial ruin, and personal character assassination to help you grow your own f*cking hair are NOT going to sit on the sidelines at any site that I have any sort of influence over -whether it's this one in the future, or it's one that doesn't exist yet- no matter how they make money. THE END.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by Jacob » Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:54 am

But Zix would never be a good candidate under his own rules :-s Selling things is even a step beyond that.

Plenty of us have fought it for YEARS..many of us much longer.

I don't like where this conversation is going, period. Nothing about Nid..which is what this thread was originally about. When I bring up Nid making money(I see P___ also touched on the selling part)..that's the thing that's commented on- as something to look over and actually embrace. Thankfully Sam has the last word on any of this anyway.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by p__ » Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:36 am

I'm going to (reluctantly) comment on the "moderators preferably shouldn't sell stuff" issue, even though we are all basically "the good guys" and I'm not sure who that post was directed at. We agree that corruption and scammers are the no. 1 enemy of the hair loss community and that it is important to expose them and keep them out of the forums.

My point is, though, why couldn't we have a mod who's aware of that and who actively fights scammers, without selling stuff? Basically, a mod should move threads to the right forum section, make sure that insults, ad hominen attacks and abuse are removed and that offenders are warned/suspended/banned when absolutely needed. That is how moderators act at most well functioning (non hair loss) forums I'm a member of. However, I certainly don't want his/her opinion/bias to even risk affecting any of the moderating decisions at all. A set of well defined rules, equal to all, should be the basis of moderating, nothing else. I wouldn't want a mod who was clearly biased for ketoconazole, minoxidil, finasteride or any other treatment out there, even if it's a treatment which works. Any type of significant bias, even if it is a "good bias" will risk distorting the discussion climate and ultimately make some people, who should have every right to post, feel uncomfortable about posting things which go against that bias. Everytime dissent is oppressed - be it passively or actively - something is seriously amiss. Freedom of thought, freedom of speech.

Apart from keeping scammers and abusive posters out I would like a forum without agenda. But that's just my bias, I guess :)

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by zixcreator » Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:00 am

An elected moderator is the only way to make people truly feel it is their community. As far as someone selling things, I wouldn't have a problem with that fact. At least that person is disclosing any vested interest he may have. It's the shills that push a product, claim personal success, and then claim no financial interest that cause more damage. To me it would be how the person moderates that would be the issue. If that moderator is doing a poor job or functioning in a biased way he could be voted out.

Obviously the only one who could set this type thing up and work out the exact details would be the site owner.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by glaxom » Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:41 pm

This site is running very smoothly as it is, as i have not seen one complaint about the moderator or the way the board is running. Shills and sham products are kept to a minimum as there are many knowledgable members and a pitt bull moderator here who all raise tough pertinent questions about new products.

IMO, if Jacob is canned or even his tough questions on new products are curtailed then it will be apparent that this site will have become just another scam site that pushes and sets its members up to buy high priced ineffectual products. Haven't all of us wasted enough money as it is on high priced , unecessary crap ??!!

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by p__ » Sat Aug 08, 2009 2:13 pm

glaxom wrote:This site is running very smoothly as it is, as i have not seen one complaint about the moderator or the way the board is running. Shills and sham products are kept to a minimum as there are many knowledgable members and a pitt bull moderator here who all raise tough pertinent questions about new products.
glaxom wrote:IMO, if Jacob is canned or even his tough questions on new products are curtailed then it will be apparent that this site will have become just another scam site that pushes and sets its members up to buy high priced ineffectual products.
:lol: I wouldn't go that far, but I certainly share your view that no one should hesitate to ask tough questions about anything. Truth stands up to scrutiny.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by Jacob » Sat Aug 08, 2009 2:28 pm

Zix..that does nothing for the newbies that have to post for a year- they'd have to wait a year before they can feel "part of the community"? Those who's guy/gal doesn't win won't feel like part of the community? I don't think that's what makes anyone want to be part of a "community"..and I've never been part of a forum or group where they voted for mods etc. And we all felt like part of the community. Well..except the shills...or for example- those against the new lead singer of the band the community is supposed to support..etc.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by nidhogge » Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:32 pm


You're taking this out of context. Has nothing to do with his behavior. Has to do with Jacob deleting a post of mine here, and abusing his moderative abilities when it's OMG, myself, and a few others that will be working our asses off to make this into a massive hair loss resource for newbies and veterans alike.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by nidhogge » Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:34 pm

Btw glaxom, anybody outside of Jacob can feel free to ask a question about the product. Jacob has caused countless people misery, and it isn't his goal to ask tough questions. Nothing he asks is tough. He simply ignores the answers, and creates confusion and paranoia. He's best ignored.

And yes, I would benefit financially if it were marketed Jacob, 5% of sales. I've been clear on that many times. However, if it goes to market, that means it works. If it works, who the #$%! cares if I profit or not? I have no interest in moderatorship.

You should all know that Sam made Jacob a mod because he was the major "contributing" poster here for quite some time. Not because he's a good person or mod, but because he felt in debt for any activity Jacob brought to the forum.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by Jacob » Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:48 pm

nidhogge wrote:Glaxom--

You're taking this out of context. Has nothing to do with his behavior. Has to do with Jacob deleting a post of mine here, and abusing his moderative abilities when it's OMG, myself, and a few others that will be working our asses off to make this into a massive hair loss resource for newbies and veterans alike.
Would you stop pretending to own this website and all? Who the heck are you to say I was abusing my mod "abilities" when it was you that was insulting in your responses- w/out responding to what I was saying? That is EXACTLY one or even THE excuse given for banning some of those at Regrowth :!:

And I'll say this right now..if YOU as well are going to be involved with THIS site- that will be PATHETIC. OMG has been blasting Scalpureure for things he could easily blast Rye about, as well as YOU.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by Jacob » Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:54 pm

nidhogge wrote:Btw glaxom, anybody outside of Jacob can feel free to ask a question about the product. Jacob has caused countless people misery, and it isn't his goal to ask tough questions. Nothing he asks is tough. He simply ignores the answers, and creates confusion and paranoia. He's best ignored.

And yes, I would benefit financially if it were marketed Jacob, 5% of sales. I've been clear on that many times. However, if it goes to market, that means it works. If it works, who the #$%! cares if I profit or not? I have no interest in moderatorship.

You should all know that Sam made Jacob a mod because he was the major "contributing" poster here for quite some time. Not because he's a good person or mod, but because he felt in debt for any activity Jacob brought to the forum.
Again...there's Nid the mind reader. The guy who claims he has a bunch of say in what goes on here. So Sam doesn't think I'm a good person or a mod. That's strange..I've had no complaints from him whatsoever. Feel free to say that Nid is right, Sam 8)

If my questions aren't tough....why do you name call...tell me to shut up..and even do so when I'm asking somebody else such questions? Somebody who is also going to be involved with Primordial Performance. Oh wait..that's a "maybe"..right? :wink: Ignore the answers? It's you guys who are ignoring the questions.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by zixcreator » Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:36 pm

Has to do with Jacob deleting a post of mine here, and abusing his moderative abilities when it's OMG, myself, and a few others that will be working our asses off to make this into a massive hair loss resource for newbies and veterans alike.
Yea...agreed nidhogge. That's another really good point. My heart really isn't into building this thing up with jacob as a moderator. That's another really good reason to have some type of system where a moderator could be elected or canned based on a vote from the masses. If I felt like I had some say in if he stays or goes (because I have a vote) I would feel more comfortable with him moderating. He would probably be a good moderator out of fear of losing his ability to moderate come election time!

So everyone would probably be OK with him as a moderator because if he does a lousy job we'd vote him out!

But my idea of some kind of voting system really has nothing to do with jacob at all. I'm taking a long term view. Any site can eventually fall into corruption. I don't want to see the same thing one day happen to this site like it did to

But the site owner could also use the voting system to attract more visitors. Advertise it as "the most unbiased forum on the net"! Tell people why the voting system prevents bias! Explain how all the other forums really work. Make the site into the "Consumer Reports" site of the internet related to hair loss.

But don't get me would still be a complicated and time consuming thing to set up. Some people wouldn't be happy with it.
Last edited by zixcreator on Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by p__ » Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:02 pm

*breaks out the popcorn*

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by Jacob » Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:37 pm

zixcreator wrote:
Has to do with Jacob deleting a post of mine here, and abusing his moderative abilities when it's OMG, myself, and a few others that will be working our asses off to make this into a massive hair loss resource for newbies and veterans alike.
Yea...agreed nidhogge. That's another really good point. My heart really isn't into building this thing up with jacob as a moderator. That's another really good reason to have some type of system where a moderator could be elected or canned based on a vote from the masses. If I felt like I had some say in if he stays or goes (because I have a vote) I would feel more comfortable with him moderating. He would probably be a good moderator out of fear of losing his ability to moderate come election time!

So everyone would probably be OK with him as a moderator because if he does a lousy job we'd vote him out!

But my idea of some kind of voting system really has nothing to do with jacob at all. I'm taking a long term view. Any site can eventually fall into corruption. I don't want to see the same thing one day happen to this site like it did to

But the site owner could also use the voting system to attract more visitors. Advertise it as "the most unbiased forum on the net"! Tell people why the voting system prevents bias! Explain how all the other forums really work. Make the site into the "Consumer Reports" site of the internet related to hair loss.

But don't get me would still be a complicated and time consuming thing to set up. Some people wouldn't be happy with it.
But my idea of some kind of voting system really has nothing to do with jacob at all.
That's cute, Zix..after saying " My heart really isn't into building this thing up with jacob as a moderator. "

Which if funny..because it's more than my heart that really isn't into building this place up(anymore) if Nid is involved and even you- if I think it's going to be the way I think it is. OMG's posts seem to point in that direction. This is all just insane anyway- this is SAM's website.

And no..there would be no "fear" of losing my mod abilities. Sam can tell you the # of times I've said I'd pass it on to someone else for various reasons..each time he asked me to stay. So if I no longer moderated- big whoop.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by Harie » Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:57 pm

Maybe I'm in the minority (and I very well could be since I just registered here - been on other boards for years and years though), but I think that no one should be allowed to advertise their hairloss products here unless they are open source (make this in the privacy of your own home). As soon as you try to sell a product, anything you say automatically becomes suspect.

I mean, If I stand to make $5 for every widget I sell, of course, I'm gona hype the hell out of widgets...Why widgets are the greatest thing in one's hairloss arsenal and you shouldn't leave home without em. Hey, did you know that I sell widgets? I've got a widget group buy going on right now. Did I mention widgets made me grow a million new hairs in a week?

We all know what everyone here sells anyway, so why not just let the results speak for themselves?

And who cares who's the moderator. If the site owner didn't like the modding job that Jacob was doing, he would have been replaced by now.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by perga » Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:31 pm

If I were designing a general rule irrespective these forums' past, present, or future moderators it would be simply: as a moderator you may not have a financial interest in any product. There are countless obvious conflicts of interest that arise.

That all being said, the less moderation the better. I ran a forum with 30,000 members that got 1000s of daily posts, and I almost never closed or deleted any threads or responses; in fact, I could count on one hand the number of times I deleted threads, and that was over 2 years.

ALL WE CARE ABOUT IS UNBIASED INFORMATION ON HAIR LOSS TREATMENT. If we don't get it here, we'll go somewhere else.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by perga » Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:39 pm

Also, I don't know the particular thread that spawned this firestorm, but I think Jacob is an excellent moderator and great contributor to the hair loss community. He is very knowledgeable, and consistently brings products I would never have even heard of up for discussion.

I try to remain pragmatic about things, but every encounter I've had with nidhogge points to the conclusion that he is just a douchebag. If some clandestine power shift is lurking in the shadows of HLF, you can count me out of this %&$!.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by glaxom » Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:15 pm

Hang around Perga, when the purge comes don't head for the hills, stay and ask questions of the products they'll be the list that p__ came up with. Stay until you get banned, become a member of the band.

I was never critical of Nidhogge at regrowth.......when customers were bitching about our diodes not delivered for 2-3months or the fiasco when customers were outraged wanting their money back from him for helmets not delivered. Hell even people with no money in it were ripping him a new one. I didn't and never attacked him. But boy, when i raised questions about this Primordial company, he came unglued like i had called his family bad names.

So anyway stick around, watch who questions some products
and not others. And when the purge takes place watch for new posters trying these products and getting results and even old posters that you've heard little from start getting results from certain companys products...................... it should get real interesting.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by p__ » Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:40 pm

Guys, let's not get ahead of yourselves or let things get out of hand.

I feel I've got to say something in Nid's defence as well as support Jacob. Nid has always been really helpful and honest when I have dealt with him. And I think Jacob is doing a great job as a mod here and I really like that he is asking tough questions. I think that Nid has to accept that all products and companies, including those he supports, are justly subject to scrutiny and tough questions.

They are both good guys, basically. It's just that they tend to get on each others nerves from time to time and get into these infected arguments.

I agree with Perga that we should preferably have a mod without any financial interests in certain products. We shouldn't settle for someone biased if we can avoid it. And my experience from various forums is the same as yours; the best functioning forums are the ones where the moderators do as little as possible in terms of limiting or influencing discussions, except to block out personal attacks, fraudsters and spammers and to move threads to the appropriate area. Very simple, really. Ultimately, all of this is naturally up to Sam.

Let's not forget that we are fighting hair loss, not each other!

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by Jacob » Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:25 pm

And for the record..I have absolutely no financial interests in any company/product/website/______ having to do with hair loss or even just having to do with hair..or supplements....or _______________.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by hapyman » Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:55 am

Isn't this all getting a little silly? I mean really can't we all just agree to disagree at some point and stop arguing for the sake of arguing? There is no way that this is ever going to end well no matter the outcome and when it all comes down to it we are all kind of on the same side. Neither Jacob or Nid can claim they are perfect or 100% right IMO. At some point they are just going to have to agree to coexist or otherwise go their separate ways.
Jacob wrote:And for the record..I have absolutely no financial interests in any company/product/website/______ having to do with hair loss or even just having to do with hair..or supplements....or _______________.
Jacob I have always said I don't think you are a shill. You have always done a great job finding useful products and stimulating some conversations. But the thing is, with everyone involved in battling hair loss, there is still going to be biases no matter what the situation. These biases run deeper than money sometimes and can actually end up being worse in the end. So basically what I am getting at is that everyone is going to have biases towards one product or another no matter how hard they try. I am biased towards more natural methods but everyone doesn't see things the same way I do. I can voice my opinion on the matter but everyone is not going to agree.

With that being said Jacob I do think you ask some good question sometimes but sometimes it seems like you ask questions just to stir controversy or be a "devil's advocate" so to speak. I think at some point we all need to realize when we are pushing things to far especially if you have more pull here as a moderator. We are all guilty of this so I hope you don't think I am singling you out. Just kind of giving my perspective on this whole mess.

Well hopefully we can come to some kind of agreement on this situation and maybe have more than one mod but that is up to Sam. I think it would be nice though to have different mods that compliment one another in different ways. A "ying and yang" so to speak. That way we can have balance to discussions and when there is a clash it would ultimately be Sam's call.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by Jacob » Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:17 am

I would love some examples of those kinds of questions I supposedly ask. Or maybe I should say...I bet what you think I do I can point out others do x10 :lol:

I have no problem with Nid or Zix or whoever coming here posting...I never said I did, except in a sarcastic response to Zix for what he said. Both of those guys do "sell" something..and yet they have the nerve to come over here and say what they said.

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by The Natural » Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:08 pm

Jacob wrote:I would love some examples of those kinds of questions I supposedly ask.
Try these places: or

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by OMGmyhair » Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:59 am

At some point we have to realize that we are all on the same team.

There is no reason to pick sides. We are all in this together. We are all trying to fight the %&$!.

I've always liked jacob because he's a pessimist, which is exactly what we need in an industry filled with a whole bunch of baloney.

This goes to anyone on the forum trying to sell a product: mod or not. When you are trying to sell a product, and someone asks a question, answer it. I have no problem with anyone on this site making money if they PROVIDE value. OMG designed and built his Laser Messiah 2, he gives the COMPLETE guide on how to make it, but most of us don't have time or patience to go do it ourselves. He gives us value.

If a mod designs a topical or anything and proves it to be effective, then I'm all for them trying to sell it, but they first have to prove it's worth, and that involves answering questions and showing results (by any means possible).

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by Jacob » Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:17 am

TN..I need examples. And not the sarcastic ones :twisted:

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by doke » Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:54 am

what would happen if i came across a product that was my own and was honest that regrew my hair,but could not afford to advertise it could i post it on hairloss web sites? by honest i mean something as cheap as chips to buy would that be great,i can not see it happening though :-({|=

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by doke » Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:56 am

i want my hair back :-({|=

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by OverMachoGrande » Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:54 pm

doke wrote:what would happen if i came across a product that was my own and was honest that regrew my hair,but could not afford to advertise it could i post it on hairloss web sites? by honest i mean something as cheap as chips to buy would that be great,i can not see it happening though :-({|=

If you invented/dicovered/pioneered a "product" on your own, why would you have to make it a "product"? Why wouldn't you share it with everyone instead of trying to make money with it? As someone dedicated to the forum community that has already gone out of their way to help you, you should want to help others in your same situation. My personal hair loss experience is NOT to make someone rich, and despite the fact that I had the initiative to take true laser therapy to a level that everyone could use it, I still owe everyone in the proactive community for trying to do the part that they can to help others -including me.


Anyway, I have a solution to the original point of this thread, and it's something that will be a part of any site that I create. This will only be necessary if the site has high volume, but here it is...

When someone is banned... they can post in an "appeals" forum section. They can make their case, say WHATEVER they want (and the "edit posts" function will be disabled for that section, so someone's original post will stand) and anyone can see it. Members that feel that the person shouldn't be banned can come on and say why, and if enough people "vote" for them to stay, they are reinstated.

If the member is a complete jerkwad and people think that he should be permanently banned with no more appeals, they can "vote" for that, too. You reap what you sew, and when you have 40 people telling you that you suck, it's time to get a clue. Also, shills can be completely crucified -which is why I would like this the most.

I think this is a great idea. It'd also show that nobody is trying to suppress anything, and everybody is able to get another chance... it's just we want a "free and happier place" than most other sites. It's a great combination of the ability to preserve liberty and freedom for the true contributors (which is the most important part of this anyway because all forum posters are *not* equal, no matter how much you disagree, and I'm not even going to take the time to explain that) with a smattering of democracy and justice in action for everyone.

AT THE VERY LEAST... it would be absolutely entertaining reading! lol... Ok, NOW I'm done posting in this thread.
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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by The Natural » Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:51 pm

OverMachoGrande preserve liberty and freedom for the true contributors (which is the most important part of this anyway because all forum posters are *not* equal, no matter how much you disagree, and I'm not even going to take the time to explain that) with a smattering of democracy and justice in action for everyone.
This is about as narcissistic, paranoid, and UN-American as I have read in a good while.
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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by » Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:48 pm

I just finally read this full thread....

I'm going to keep things simple. I personally think that on balance Jacob is doing a great job as moderator. I see no reason to remove him from this role. He does it completely without pay, and as far as I am aware he has no financial interest in any product or treatment. He does this out of his own interest, and because I have asked him to stay on as moderator.


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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by Jacob » Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:36 pm

The Natural wrote:
OverMachoGrande preserve liberty and freedom for the true contributors (which is the most important part of this anyway because all forum posters are *not* equal, no matter how much you disagree, and I'm not even going to take the time to explain that) with a smattering of democracy and justice in action for everyone.
This is about as narcissistic, paranoid, and UN-American as I have read in a good while.
What was that you were saying about me, The Natural? :-k

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by Jacob » Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:36 pm wrote:I just finally read this full thread....

I'm going to keep things simple. I personally think that on balance Jacob is doing a great job as moderator. I see no reason to remove him from this role. He does it completely without pay, and as far as I am aware he has no financial interest in any product or treatment. He does this out of his own interest, and because I have asked him to stay on as moderator.

Thanks Sam. Now don't be a stranger :lol:

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by Dex!!!! » Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:43 pm

ass kisser

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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by The Natural » Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:25 am

Jacob wrote:What was that you were saying about me, The Natural? :-k
A. That was hapyman who stated "that" about you.
B. By all means, OMG should continue to post insightful articles and studies. Proffer theories about hair loss, if he likes. Even set himself on a pedestal ("because all forum posters are *not* equal"), if he must. But he should really leave the administrative duties of moderator to someone with at least a modicum of personal diplomacy and tolerance.
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Re: Can a moderator be canned

Post by » Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:50 pm

Natural, I'm not sure exactly what you are implying with the "modicum of personal diplomacy and tolerance" comment, but this particular thread has become pointless, and I personally think it is detrimental to the function of the forums.

Let's please stay focused on what these forums are about, the discussion of hair loss and fighting hair loss.

I am locking this thread.


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