Tricia's Story

Tell us your personal story, how hair loss has affected you, and what you're doing to treat it. Also keep us posted on your progress.

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This section is for you to use to chronicle your experiences with hair loss and how you're treating it. Use this section to give us your story and keep everyone posted on your progress.

This section will prove useful in that whenever anyone wants to know how you're doing they can check here, and YOU can check here as time goes by to reflect on your own situation, what you've learned and the progress you've made (or not for that matter).

Post pictures of your hair loss and regrowth, tell us about your regimen. Keep us updated!

If you're starting a new thread, please call it "{Your Forum ID}'s story", replacing {Your Forum ID} with the handle you use to login to these forums.

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Tricia's Story

Post by Tricia » Sat Jan 15, 2005 6:48 am

I noticed one area behind my hair line was thinning in May 2003 when I was 32 years old. I went to the doctor who said I had low serum ferritin and told me to take iron supplements for 3 months. I did that and never followed up on anything.

In May 2004, my hair began to rapidly thin. I went to another doctor who said I looked fine to him. I was losing tons of hair though and I noticed that my front must have been thinning all this time and I never really noticed it. I started minoxidil in June 2004.

I had a very long and prolonged dread shed. It last for 10 weeks. I thought starting minoxidil was a huge mistake. But, after the shedding stopped, I could see that the minoxidil had stabilized things. I haven't had any crazy sheds since starting minoixidil. 7 months after treatment, I've recovered from the dread shed.

Minoxidil works great in the vertex and, to a lesser extent, the sides. The front is just in a holding pattern. I don't see me regrowing hair, just maybe slowing down the process.

Women notice their own hair loss before anyone else does. No one believes me when I say that I'm losing my hair. They all think I look "fine". I'm glad I started treatment as soon as possible and I'm anxiously waiting for the next baldness treatment.
5% minoxidil
Multivitamin with iron

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Have you had a hair transplant?: Yes

Post by » Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:13 am


Thanks for sharing your story.

Sorry you had such a bad shed. 10 weeks! Ouch.

I'm glad that at least nobody else can tell that you've lost any hair except yourself though.


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Post by botak » Fri Jul 14, 2006 12:50 am

hi. my aunt is in her early forties and she has been haiving thinning hair for more than 5 years now. recently she has started a treatment with ferritin serums . i dnt know how far it is effective for her because i have not noticed any changes in her hair


Post by James » Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:38 am

So this ferritin level talk is all related to iron levels?

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Post by molecularblonde » Sat Jul 15, 2006 12:54 pm

Your post was very interesting. I hope things are going better for you. I really feel for oyu. I know what you are experiencing, it's just awful, isn't it? Like you, people don't seem to notice my hairloss. I just confessed to a girlfriend from the gym and she had no idea. But when she looked at pictures of me from last year, she could really see the difference.

Like you, I'm on iron supplements for low ferritin after surgery last year. It was 16 ng/dl which is the very low end. Now it's about 50.

I pray things go well for you. Thanks for sharing your story.

Hope this too shall pass.


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