KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

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KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by KOJAK » Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:39 am

As I was speaking with Synthese, about this product, I dig some more research to find out what it was exactly.
Well basically, here is how they describe it :
KÉRATENE® alphactive Retard is a systemic 5-ard enzyme catalyze inhibitor, formulated specifically to suppress the formation of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and delay the effects of this androgen on the genetically-marked hair follicles, sensitive to its chemical signals. KÉRATENE® alphactive Retard provides an appropriate control mechanism for the progressive thinning of hair caused by hormonal and genetic factors, with potential applications in the trichologic field for the for the maintenance of the existing hair density, in both pre- and postoperative cases.
KÉRATENE® alphactive Retard depresses the total DHT level by suppressing the conversion of the androgen Testosterone (T) to DHT through the adhesion to the 5aRD enzyme by obstructing the transfer of hydrogen atoms to the Testosterone (T) molecule and preventing its chemical reduction.
KÉRATENE® alphactive Retard reduces the DHT levels with a factor of 2, 3 or 4, depending on the total DHT level. KÉRATENE® alphactive Retard does not interfere with the endocrine production of hormones or with the production of the 5aRD enzyme and its inhibition mechanism does not rely on the use of antagonistic exogenic hormone disruptors or on the use of xenoestradiols or estrogens. Consult your doctor before using this product or any other medical anti-DHT treatments. Read the product description carefully before use. KÉRATENE® alphactive Retard is not a cure for any registered medical disease. Consult your doctor for professional medical advice.

KÉRATENE® alphactive Retard, in combination with topical KÉRATENE® alphactive therapies, is suitable as sustaining therapy for the preservation of the trichological density for clinical cases of NW I, NW II, NW III (vertex only), Ludwig I and Ludwig II. This product is not effective in cases of alopecia totalis, alopecia universalis and alopecia androgenetica NW4, NW5 and NW6 as well as Ludwig 3 where total loss of hair density has already occured

- Lowers dht by 25%
- Is fin without side effects/same benefits
- Vouched by pro hair clinic
After the Internationale FUE transplantation Congres in Berlin, some of the Doctors were ask, to give their thought about the product, here are the results so far:
» Dr. Arvind : good product, uses it in his practice.
» Dr. Lupanzula : are familiar with the product, just started to offer.
» Dr. Peter Hajduk (ex Gho Praag) : starting to offer to their patients as of november 2012. Also noted 'so far their clinical studies look very good'.
» Dr. Heitmann : convinced it will work, also offers it.
» Prohairclinic : started offering to our patient, solid clinical study and presentation. They are also conducting their own 'clinical' test at present.
None of them have patient results, but it does seem that they do believe in this product.

And finally, here's the testimony, of a representative member of Prohaiclinic, who has tested the product :
The company Keratene is not an unknown among hair transplant surgeons and institutes. We have been using their FUE after care treatment kits for a long time.

In September Keratene Presented their new product, Keratene Retard, to the attendees at the annual FUE Europe meeting (this time in Berlin).

They provided solid scientific proof that Keratene Retard is able to reduce DHT blood values. If you are going to present your product that claims DHT lowering properties you better have good solid evidence if you are presenting in front of dermatologist and doctors.
Prohairclinic offered to perform a small additional test to backup the Keratene Retard clinical data.
We teamed up with the university of Gent to measure before and after DHT blood levels.
At half the prescribed dose of 1 capsule a day there was an average lowering of 25 % of DHT levels for male subjects.
There were no changes in DHT levels (slightly up) for female subjects.

More important : there were no side effects reported by any of the candidates. We have yet to receive any side effects from patients that have been taken the product for about 2.5 months now.

I believe this products is a good alternative for those who are unwilling to take medication (Keratene Retard comes as a dietary supplement) or do not want to risk side effects that are associated with Finasteride.

You will be able to find the study drectly on their website : http://www.prohairclinic.com/en/k%C3%A9 ... ive-retard

That's it fot now, I will try to update the post as soon as I have some infos. I did find some users who are testing it, but I think it is too soon to post any result right now.

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by KOJAK » Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:43 am

I'm not using it now, but I'm very tempted to do so.
I already know tinytim is using it at the moment, so if anyone as some feedback to give, I will appreciate.

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by Jacob » Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:48 pm

If it's like Fin..my guess is you will see some ppl complaining about side-effects, especially with long-term use.

Still interesting though 8)

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by KOJAK » Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:49 pm

Here is the questionary submited by the member HARIRI from hairrestorationnetwork, to the person in charge of the company Mr. Marc Costin from Holland.
He actually answered all of his questions with full confidence. Here are some:
What is Keratene?
Keratene is a a French brand invented in 1947 by a French pioneer in the cosmetic industry.
The brand was taken over by its current owner, Hairclinics Netherlands, in 2010.
The pronunciation is as such, purely French and sounds more like Ke – as in Kenya, Ra- as in Ramon, Ten – as in the number 10, and not like Keratin.
It is important that the public retains the correct spelling so that no confusion arises.

What no one heard about it?
The brand itself is rather unknown due to the fact that it is an European native product, with little exports.
Since its re-introduction in 2010, it become slightly more known.
It will take some time until the product will become more known. Given that fact that in Europe and other countries advertising of any form of medical products or dietary supplements with claims that are not approved in the directive 26, is strictly forbidden, it will takes a few years.

What is Keratine alphactive Retarde?
The product you talked about, respectively Keratene alphactive Retarde is very new, just launched last year, in Berlin, at the annual meeting of the FUE Europe society.
Keratene alphactive Retarde is a systemic 5ard enzyme catalyse inhibitor and an indirect DHT depressor (not suppressor).

How does it work?
The molecules works not by inhibiting the production of 5ard enzyme or by regulation the secretion of hormones, but rather by attaching itself by electro-chemical valence to the 5ard enzyme and acting as an insulating factor.
As such, the transfer of atoms of hydrogen to the testosterone molecule happens in a lower ratio.
This leads in turn to an overall reduction of DHT.
As such, the 5ard enzyme production and the testosterone hormone are left untouched.
The only thing which happens in a lesser amount, is the transformation of T into DHT.

How much will reduce the DHT level?
The product work on the “work on what you have” principle.
In other words, it lowers DHT dynamically, adaptable, according to the total amount of DHT available in the body. Men with very high DHT levels can expect a large reduction, with a factor of 2, 3 or 4, whereas men with little DHT, can expect a reduction with just 35 to 70%.

Does it contains the usual Saw palmetto extracts?
No, Keratene alphactive Retarde does not include Saw Palmetto or any forms of commonly used plants for prostate supplements.
It is a proprietary mix of various organic substances and enzyme catalyst aggregators, not synthetically engineered.

Are there differences between KaR and finasteride?
Yes. Keratene alphactive Retarde is completely different than finasteride.
Finasteride is a synthetically engineered molecule, with specific chemical properties.
Keratene alphactive Retarde is an organic compound, not synthetically engineered.
Finasteride has the chemical potential to penetrate the blood brain barrier (see latest FDA updates on fda.gov) and has the bio-chemical potential to influence the pineal gland, the processes that coordinate the production of lutropin, the correlation of the sex-binding hormone globulin, dhea, and many other related factors.
In addition, it may increase on the long run the risk on malign prostate neoplasm with roughly 1.6%.
Because the body perceives its molecule as a foreign chemical, the metabolic processes employed by the body to follows the same pathways as any other medication (see cytokine reduction), whereas in regard to KaR, the body process the substance as an organic element.

Is it safe?
The product is safer than any other alternative available on the market today.
It does not interfere with the endocrine production of hormones, of hormone precursors, of enzymes or related peptides. It also does not influence the shbg or lutropin, fact that defines its “libido-friendly” characteristic.
In other words... enjoy the goods without the damage.
Up to date, no user reported any sort of erectile dysfunction or libido problems.

Are there side effects?
KaR may present several direct side-effects and several indirect side-effects.
They are indirect due to the fact that they are not cause by the product itself but rather by the effect of having a lower DHT level than the body is used to.
One direct side-effects is known from the use of the topical products and that is transient paresthesia (tingling of the skin). This effects is normal, known for several years and can last up to 7 hours after administration and was reported by less than 1% of the tested population.
Another potential side-effect is mild seborrhea, especially on the topical products.

Indirect side-effects, not caused by the product itself but by the reduced levels of DHT on the body are:
fatigue, reduced athletic performance, transient reversible mild cognitive impairment (TRMCI - popular "brain fog/haze"), mild head-aches, nausea.
Such effects generally dissipate after two or three weeks of administration, once the body accommodates to the new, reduced DHT levels.
Such effects are reported in less than 1% of the tested population and may have other, idiopathic causes or contributing factors as well, such as lack of proper nutrition, stress, prior underlying conditions, etc.

Is it a medical product or not?
The product is not a registered medicine in the traditional sense, like ibuprofen is for instance.
the costs associated with such registration in todays’ terms are completely prohibitive.
This is one of the major reasons that nowadays in Europe there are no small of middle-sized private pharmaceutical companies that bring innovative products on the market.
The average costs only for the safety assessment, clinical trials and registration procedure for each new product are estimated at minimum 6 million euro ( ~8 mill USD) for a period or 6 years, and this amount excludes the research and development needed prior to its public testing and application for registration.
Depending on the legislation of each country, the product is sold as dietary supplement or, in specific countries, as registered phytomedical (registered medical product based on plant extracts).
In Europe it is labeled under the applicable legislation for dietary supplements.
As such, under the current legislation, we, like many other small innovative companies, are forced to operate under the law that regulates foods, rather than medical products.
We are aware that the titling may not be very appealing or trust-inspiring for the consumer (herbs! dietary supplements!), but we must comply with the legal requirements.

To conclude, here are a few of the main key benefits:
1 fast catalyse inhibition with low bioaccumulation, free of 17-beta-estradiol disruptors
2 evident DHT reduction up to 4 times, comparable to synthetic -steride alternatives
3 ssbg/lutropin/fsh bio-chemically neutral formula, virtually no impact on libido

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by Jacob » Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:16 am

Indirect side-effects, not caused by the product itself but by the reduced levels of DHT on the body are:
fatigue, reduced athletic performance, transient reversible mild cognitive impairment (TRMCI - popular "brain fog/haze"), mild head-aches, nausea.
Such effects generally dissipate after two or three weeks of administration, once the body accommodates to the new, reduced DHT levels.
Such effects are reported in less than 1% of the tested population and may have other, idiopathic causes or contributing factors as well, such as lack of proper nutrition, stress, prior underlying conditions, etc.
Sounds a lot like fin! The small % and everything. Hopefully they do indeed "generally dissipate" ..but I'd still rather deal with it topically.

I wonder if they'd be willing to do a little trial or something. Either way..I hope if you and others use it that you share your experiences here 8)

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by KOJAK » Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:55 am

There is a user named kerajason who posts on a body building forum (http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthrea ... 1003882143). He has been part of the trials and highly recommends the product. His posts are very encouraging. Member AJAYS from baldtrhuth started PMs with him and have found his answers to be quite realistic and not over the top.
According to him, you can see an improvement after onl 4 week, but I would stay careful on this point.

However, HARIRI said recently:
Well, I have been on it since three days and I got ZERO sides. I feel just like the time I was taking my herbal supplement HairOmega DHT (Saw Palmetto 450mg + Beta Sitosterol 450mg). Im taking one capsule before bedtime. If you want a faster shipping next time then try to order it from ProHairClinic website as they are dealing with DHL for shipping. Hope everything will stay the same with me. Fingers crossed

I contacted Keratene asking them the dosage of Sterols in their product, they answered me its not more than 3g/day which is the maximum dose by Medical Boards in Europe. Anything above that can affect negatively on the metabolism of Vitamin A. So if Im taking one capsule only then I may guess that my dosage is around 1.5g/day as the recommended dosage of the product is (2 capsules per day).
I ordered mine one week ago, so it should arrive soon.
I will keep you guys updated once I receive the capsules.
Last edited by KOJAK on Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by John Yossarian » Sun Feb 24, 2013 3:05 pm

I was looking at their site and I noticed they had some topical products for sale. There seemed to be quite a few of them, though. Does anyone know which one would work the best against severe hairloss? I wrote them an email asking this very question, but I haven't received a response yet. I also asked them what the ingredients were in the product(s). I'm hoping I get a response soon.

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by Jacob » Wed Feb 27, 2013 7:54 pm

" kerajason" seems odd.."kera" in the name...joined in Jan of this year if I read it right. Who knows :-s

John..I'd like to see the ingreds lists as well. Hard to go by what info is provided at the moment.

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by Jacob » Thu Feb 28, 2013 11:43 am

BTW..that kerajason or even the company is welcome to post here. I just hope if any from the company are in the "trial"..whatever the trial is..they would just say so.

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by KOJAK » Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:17 pm

Jacob : Yeah you're right, I didn't noticed that...

John : I will receive my box soon. Hope it will be more detailed inside.

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by John Yossarian » Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:35 am

I received a response to my email about the ingredients list, but it wasn't very helpful. The email said the product "contains an organic creamy base derived from coconuts, a complex of specifically engineered stanols and loads of plant extracts. Our products do not contain any forms of minoxidil or finasteride. " I asked about the topical product so the pills might contain different ingredients. I find it kinda shady that they won't release the ingredients list.

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by KOJAK » Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:28 am

Here are the answers from Mr. Marc Costin from Keratene reported asked by member HAIRIRI (baldtruth).
Very interesting !
From my part I received my boxes I have to go to the post office to get them. I will try to post pictures of the box and notice by the end of the week.
Are there differences between KaR (Keratene Alphactive Retard) and Finasteride?

Yes. Kératene alphactive Retarde is completely different than finasteride.
Finasteride is a synthetically engineered molecule, with specific chemical properties.
Kératene alphactive Retarde is an organic compound, not synthetically engineered.
Finasteride has the chemical potential to penetrate the blood brain barrier (see latest FDA updates on fda.gov) and has the bio-chemical potential to influence the pineal gland, the processes that coordinate the production of lutropin, the correlation of the sex-binding hormone globulin, dhea, and many other related factors.
In addition, it may increase on the long run the risk on malign prostate neoplasm with roughly 1.6%.
Because the body perceives its molecule as a foreign chemical, the metabolic processes employed by the body to follows the same pathways as any other medication (see cytokine reduction), whereas in regard to KaR, the body process the substance as an organic element.

Is it safe?

The product is safer than any other alternative available on the market today.
It does not interfere with the endocrine production of hormones, of hormone precursors, of enzymes or related peptides. It also does not influence the shbg or lutropin, fact that defines its “libido-friendly” characteristic.
In other words... enjoy the goods without the damage.
Up to date, no user reported any sort of erectile dysfunction or libido problems.

Are there side effects?

KaR may present several direct side-effects and several indirect side-effects.
They are indirect due to the fact that they are not cause by the product itself but rather by the effect of having a lower DHT level than the body is used to.

One direct side-effects is known from the use of the topical products and that is transient paresthesia (tingling of the skin). This effects is normal, known for several years and can last up to 7 hours after administration and was reported by less than 1% of the tested population.

Another potential side-effect is mild seborrhea, especially on the topical products.

Indirect possible side-effects, not caused by the product itself but by the reduced levels of DHT on the body with any other product are:
fatigue, reduced athletic performance, transient reversible mild cognitive impairment (TRMCI - popular "brain fog/haze"), mild head-aches, nausea.

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by Jacob » Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:52 pm

I was going to say those look like the same answers I've read on their site or somewhere..but then I reread that it's from someone at Keratene. So that would explain it sounding so familiar. I really hope the ingreds are listed for you to post or take pictures of \:D/

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by KOJAK » Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:43 am

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by Jacob » Mon Mar 11, 2013 4:24 pm

Thanks for taking the time to take those and post 'em.

It does look professional...I still wish they'd be more specific on some of the ingredients though.

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by KOJAK » Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:24 am

I didn't pay much attention in the reading of pro-hair clinical results on KERATENE AR, but it's quite intersesting actually :

http://www.prohairclinic.com/sites/defa ... tected.pdf

I've been on it for 15 days now, and I can definitly says for the moment, that it has no side regarding libido, sperm quality, or whatever related to what you know ... :-"
However, I do experiment some stomack pain from time to time but it is manageable. In addition I think I'm getting some weight but I will wait and see if it is durable, as I believe it is due to changing in the hormone. It will force me to go to the gym more often, so as for now, it is not a bad thing...
I had experimented some fatigue and some mild brain fog during the first week, but now it's gone.
I'm on one cap/ 2x per day. I can't copare it with Fin, as I've never been on it.

I'll keep you informed

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by ajs » Mon May 13, 2013 5:54 am


Any update on your progress? Thanks.

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by Jacob » Wed May 22, 2013 3:51 pm


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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by KOJAK » Mon May 27, 2013 8:28 am

It does work. Hair feels a lot better, stronger, less hair falling, but I do feel a lot more tired, so I've stopped for 15 days, as I really have a load of work during that time and I can't afford being tired.
I keep an eye on baldtruth forum, and other memebr are experiencing tiredness as well. But same as me they do feel hair better, healthier, and less hair falling.
Nobody has experienced sexual side effect for the moment, neither do I... it's a good news on that point.

If I had to put one bad point on that product, is that it makes me tired, and sometime it's anoying, but that's it. Otherwise, easy to take, not really expensinve, and last a long time if you're taking one pill per day as me.

Hope it helps.

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by Cob984 » Tue May 28, 2013 11:20 am

thats good kojak, wanted to ask if your weight issues are under control, my weight explodes on this product

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by KOJAK » Tue May 28, 2013 12:50 pm

In fact yes I did get some weight at the begining, but it bot stabilised quickly. However, if I'm not going to the gym, I found I get kind of soft belly... Nothing really important if you're going to the gym often, but as I get more tired under that product.
Regarding the weight issue, I'm 33 so maybe it's coming from my body which is less young than before.. :?: not sure about that...

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by ajs » Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:20 am


Any further updates from you on this product?


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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by KOJAK » Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:42 am


Any further updates from you on this product?

Hey Ajs, sorry for the late answer, my wife was pregnante and gave birth last week, so I didn't have much time to take care of my hair recently ! O:)

I have stopped taking Keraten since begining of june, as it gaves me to much fatigue. However I have continued to follow the discussion about the product on baldthruth forum, and seems that the thruth arround the product is starting to show up. At least 5 members now, did a blood test, and no one had a significant changes in their DHT level (as Kereaten claims), so I guess that the product whether work in an weak way , or not at all.
One another thing that I didn't mention at first, because I prefered to let them the benefit of the doubt: As I'm french, I told them that their french manual was loaded of mistakes, but I mean LOADED! some sentences had clearly no sence at all. So they reply to me that they passed through a company that did a bad job, and guess what, they proposed me to correct the manuel by myself to win some free boxes... Not very professional, but well I did it, until they ask me the traduced their complet range of product, which was as well, loaded of mistakes, so I reply to them that it wasn't my job to do that, and they should pay a real pro, and not a simple consumer.
So yes I won my free boxes, but they're still unopened.

That's why I'm startig to loose faith in this product. I didn't want to bash it at first, but, honeslty, it does not smell very good...
Hope it helps.
Last edited by KOJAK on Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by Jacob » Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:12 pm

Congrats KOJAC and wife 8) Boy or girl?

I've seen some of that over there..but I don't recall- did the company ever respond to those 5 saying they had no significant change in their DHT levels?

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Re: KÉRATENE Alphactive ® Retard

Post by KOJAK » Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:44 pm

Thanks Jacob, it's a little boy, but already terrible ! Full haid of hair O:)
For those with blood test, they respond that the test may not be accurate, or with false datas.... But some of those memebers did the exact same test while on finasterid, and it was working so.... I let you make your own conlusion.

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