How do you guys go about bringing up the subject of hairloss with friends?

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How do you guys go about bringing up the subject of hairloss with friends?

Post by LaserKid » Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:25 am

Ok, so a few of my friends are starting to have 'maturing' hairlines, and I basically want to bring up the subject of hair loss and hopefully give them some education on how to go about preventing it. I'm guessing most of them aren't doing anything about it because they are progressing quicker than myself. The big question is how do I go about bringing up this subject.

I could just come out and say 'man you're beginning to lose your hair, you should get on propecia', but tbh, if someone said that to me, I'd be very pissed off. That's like saying to someone, 'man you're starting to get fat, you should go on a diet', which I would also never say. I guess it's just my personality, in that I very rarely discuss another person's appearance, good or bad. Plus, I don't want this to be some sort of passing statement, I actually want a deep discussion so I can give them some good advice and show them where to go, what to use etc.

Has anyone ever brought this subject up with your friends? What worked, and what didn't? Anyone with some good advice? I want to help them, but at the same time I don't want to make them feel like %&$!. After all, they may not 'see' that they are losing their hair, and by bringing it up I'm causing them unnecessary anxiety :?

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Re: How do you guys go about bringing up the subject of hairloss with friends?

Post by jksl » Fri Aug 28, 2009 9:12 am

LaserKid wrote:That's like saying to someone, 'man you're starting to get fat, you should go on a diet', which I would also never say.

Honestly, i wish my friends and family would be honest with me this way. If they told me that i'm starting to get fat and suggested that i do something about it then i'd be glad and grateful that they told me. Just as long as they're not simply bringing it up to make fun of me. Sometimes we don't know exactly how other people see us.

For example, when no one tells you that you stink like %&$! all the time (because they don't wanna be rude) and you're fine with the way you smell, you are at a real social disadvantage. You're wondering why no is hiring you, going on dates with you, calling you out to go partying, etc. when you can't find anything wrong with yourself. Sometimes, people need to be told that they're in need of some changes.
Like this woman: ... s&wpid=311

I didn't even realize that i was receding until after i went through some TE/AE last year (since diffuse hairloss will really show you that you've thinned). For some reason i was looking older and older at a fast pace and i didn't know why. If my friends told me that i was thinning, i might have done something about my hair years ago.

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Re: How do you guys go about bringing up the subject of hairloss with friends?

Post by » Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:01 am

I think it totally depends on how you broach the subject.

When I first realized I was losing hair it was pretty traumatic for me because an asshole that I was going to school with in my first year of university pointed it out to me in front of a group of my friends (including some girls, one of which I was interested in). It was so humiliating. People were laughing like it was no big deal, but to me it was a HUGE deal.

I have found that with close friends if you approach it like a concerned friend they'll generally appreciate it. You can say "Hey man, you mind if I talk about something a bit personal? Promise not to take it the wrong way?" Once you get a "Yes" response, you can say you noticed he's thinning a little, and was wondering if he's doing anything to treat it. At that point you'll know if he is willing to talk about it or not, and can go from there.

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Re: How do you guys go about bringing up the subject of hairloss with friends?

Post by Anxious1 » Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:47 pm

this is easy, next time ur talking to the person, just bring up the subject, say something like, 'hey, ive just started this treatment for my hairloss, it will do this and this, and costs ....etc', he will either join in and ask questions, or he will ignore u if he doesnt want to talk about it.

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Re: How do you guys go about bringing up the subject of hairloss with friends?

Post by 0416Dr » Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:55 pm

I mostly do it like Anxious1 says. I only talk about it with friends who have the same problem and actually most of them are really interested in what I have to say about it. Although they might find it strange that I come up with that subject as most dont believe that I am balding, but when I start talking about some hairproducts then they are really interested. Almost all of them dont know anything about hairloss, neither they do know anything about minoxidil, prospecia or any known hair loss products.

So mostly something like "I started using this hairproduct recently and it looks like it is going to help me out...", untill now I had a nice conversations with my friends about this subject.
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Re: How do you guys go about bringing up the subject of hairloss with friends?

Post by LaserKid » Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:53 am

Cheers guys, thanks for the advice. Gonna try and approach the subject with a few of my friends and see how it goes. I know that a lot of people have the strange mentality that there is nothing you can do for hairloss, hopefully I can put that straight.

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Re: How do you guys go about bringing up the subject of hairloss with friends?

Post by Lady Jo » Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:49 pm

Yeah avoid using the "you messages" instead use the "I messages". I have thinning hairlines and the likes...
Will you still love me when my hair has turned to gray?

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