Why tinker with Inflamil?

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Post by Jacob » Wed Feb 09, 2005 5:02 pm

I was wondering why you're tinkering with Inflamil- adding Maca root...when it seems to work so well the way it is. Also, when will the t-Adenosine solution be available in North America and what all does it currently contain?


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Adenosine now available !

Post by Lipoxidil » Thu Mar 10, 2005 2:31 am


right now there are no changes intended for InFlamil.InFlamil and Genistil are so successful that we are in the process of creating a widely available commercial anti-inflammatory product. This will take about a year.
Adenosine is available in Europe since 03-01, in the USA since 03-10.

Best regards


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Re: Why tinker with Inflamil?

Post by Jacob » Sat Jan 29, 2011 4:27 pm

Dang.....what coulda been....

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Re: Why tinker with Inflamil?

Post by lost.hair.lost.youth » Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:46 pm

This thread looks weird.
In any case, I googled some things and now at least I (think I) know what is being talked here.

Inflamil, another product to fight infections and bacteria, like Nizoral and Miconazole Nitrate. Is it better?

Adenosine, from wikipedia I didn't like this part:
It is also an inhibitory neurotransmitter, believed to play a role in promoting sleep and suppressing arousal, with levels increasing with each hour an organism is awake.
From googling "Adenosine hair loss":
The behavior of hair follicle stem cells are controlled by the skin's papilla cells and their cytokines. Androgens affect the synthesis and release of these cytokines, thereby affecting hair growth. Adenosine's role in hair growth involves the stimulation of these cytokines.

Hair-Growth Treatments
Cytotoxic and anti-androgen drugs, as well as those that act on the potassium channel, make up the main hair-growth treatment groups. Adenosine is considered a cytotoxic hair growth treatment.

Role of Adenosine
Adenosine is a nucleoside that is naturally present in cells. It plays a role in signal transduction and energy transfer. Analysis of the DNA from hair follicle cells indicates that adenosine plays a key role in increased hair growth.

Clinical Studies
According to a study conducted by Japanese cosmetic firm Shiseido, the results of a randomized, placebo-controlled study of 30 Japanese women suffering from hair loss who used 0.75 percent adenosine lotion twice daily for one year showed that adenosine significantly improves hair loss by stimulating hair growth and thickening the shaft of each hair.

In another Shiseido study, thickened hair with adenosine treatment was also observed in a small clinical study of Japanese men suffering from hair loss.

Shiseido launched its adenosine product, Adenogen, in 2005. In addition, other adenosine hair growth treatments include Spectral DNC and Nioxin. Dermenodex is a hair-loss shampoo that contains adenosine.

Side Effects
Chest pressure, dizziness and nausea, headaches, elevated blood pressure, shortness of breath and tingling in the arms are side effects of adenosine. More serious side effects include a severe allergic reaction. If this occurs, contact a health care provider immediately.

In any case, I'm still confused about this thread.
Are any of these products any good? Any studies with real numbers out there?

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Re: Why tinker with Inflamil?

Post by Jacob » Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:39 pm

:lol: ..yeah, I guess it is confusing if you've never heard of it. This was a topical made for inflammation/micro-inflammation. I used to say the product was one I'd never read so many good reviews on. I still don't know what happened with them...like they said in this thread- it was to become "a widely available commercial" product. I was told it was a supply issue for one of the ingredients..why they even stopped making it altogether. But I find that hard to believe.

I wonder if Elsom could make this... :-s ...maybe with monolaurin for xtra bacteria killing.

Here is Sam's review with more info/ingreds/etc: http://www.hairlossfight.com/product_re ... flamil.php

The Adenosine was for a sep product..again, a topical.

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Re: Why tinker with Inflamil?

Post by Jacob » Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:53 pm

They also had the Inflamil Shampoo. Wonder if this would feel similar to it on the scalp:
http://www.theevecare.com/Hyssop-Yegree ... ce=froogle

Contains that Thuja Occidentalis Leaf Extract..

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