Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

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Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by Jacob » Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:51 am

Please try to keep this to just questions to Dr. AQ about the product so that both the questions and answers can be easily seen- makes it easier for all involved.

Dr. AQ, if you could please use the "Quote" function when replying, that would be great. That would mean a post from you for each poster/question(s), but it'd make things easier for all of us. Thanks 8)

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Jacob » Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:54 am

Dr. AQ...could you please get a hold of William to see why he stopped taking questions, or if he didn't get the latest round, or ?

Thank you.... :wink:

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by goten574 » Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:11 pm

Jacob, I suggest when people ask questions that you edit your 1st post stating the question and say "Answered" or "Unanswered". For example:

"Dr. AQ...could you please get a hold of William to see why he stopped taking questions, or if he didn't get the latest round, or ?" - UNANSWERED

"Dr AQ, Are you confident enough with Hair Complex to give anyone who tried the product and saw no results a full or partial refund?" - UNANSWERED

This is your thread and you decide, but it would keep these organised incase the thread gets long like the other one. People can keep track of what questions have been asked by just viewing your first post instead of reading all pages... just a suggestion.

My question:

Dr AQ, Are you confident enough with Hair Complex to give anyone who tried the product and saw no results a full or partial refund (Providing there is sufficient proof the customer purchased and used the application as required)? This is a common thing to see in other products and is a great way to give the customer confidence in your product.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by 1..... » Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:36 pm

Dr. AQ

I am seeing less shedding, but still see hair fall out, most of them are small hairs which you talked about. Is this due to the HC still working even though it has been 3 weeks since I applied the HC?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by helpmyhair » Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:25 am

Dr. AQ,

As you said, some patients may need a second round of HC in two months time if they aren't receiving any noticeable effect. You also said that the HC is not dose dependent, so splitting up each vile would be beneficial, as the idea was to get at least 5 applications. My question is, would it work to use only 3 vials or so, splitting in them into 2-3 applications per vial, and saving the remaining unopened vials in the fridge to re-evaluate in two months time to see if a second treatment is necessary? That way, one could just split up the remaining two vials to get another 6 applications.

The only reason I ask is because I am a student with limited funds. Thanks.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Jacob » Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:12 am

From Jajo:

Doc - based on things you have stated - Given AGHC is not dose dependent and works to restore/thicken existing hair by repairing the follicle, helping to restore it to a higher functioning tissue. Given that each person has hair at varying stages of disrepair/damage, it would seem to me that any positive result the complex would achieve in restoring/repairing the follicle over a course of use (5 vials), could be built upon with addition courses separated by time. So say one uses the 5 vials (one course) and the complex over time brings those hairs (all at varying stages of damage) to relatively higher states of function (through repair) - would it not be safe to assume that once that course has effected whatever result it could achieve, that result could later be built upon with subsequent courses, bringing about higher and higher states of function(up to a point)? If so, how might this work and what kind of schedule would you suggest - every 4 months, every 6 months? (as long as progress is still being made that is)

(of course all of this is predicated on that it does in fact work as stated ;-) )

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Jacob » Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:14 am

From Bombarie:

I`ve used all 5 bottles and i still lose like 100 hairs in the shower of al various lenght.
Is this normall?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by helpmyhair » Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:26 pm

Dr AQ,

I have Alopecia Araeta spots on my neck and chin where my beard grows in, which are completely hairless... would it be wise to use some HC on these areas? or would it be a bad idea for facial hair? My concern is that you said the HC can speed hair growth in areas where applied, and if it worked on the alopecia areata, I wouldn't want those areas growing faster than the rest of my beard.. thanks!

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Jacob » Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:48 am

by Swoosh » Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:19 pm
Dr. AQ,

Can you please explain why hair subjected to the HC would grow faster? Is this a temporary effect? Does it grow faster than it did in its pre-MPB state?

Does this put any extra stress on the cells involved? To provide you with an analogy: I can hot-rod my automobile by injecting nitrous oxide, but the increase in output may damage my engine because it was not designed for such conditions.


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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Jacob » Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:48 am

by 1..... » Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:58 pm
Dr. AQ,

I understand that when you apply the HC, it is normal to have small hairs be shedding. Is it normal to have this small, light pigmented hairs shedding 3 or 4 weeks after the treatment?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Jacob » Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:50 am

kamisama » Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:06 pm
Dr AQ,

my question is in relation to the ppg. For those of us who are ppg sensitive, is there any intention in the near future for a batch of ppg free serum? This is because im allergic to ppg and that is holding me back. If putting the irritation or watsoever arising from the ppg (say im able to endure the irritation), will the pros of the serum far outweigh the cons from ppg? thanks


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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Jacob » Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:52 am

by Hogan » Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:00 pm
What is the shelf-life of this product while in the refrigerator?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Mrhairs » Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:41 am

Dott. Aq
Do you believe that a&g hair complex is more effective of propecia (finasteride 1mg/day) or rogaine (minoxidi 5% 2ml/day)?
Do you believe that who will use a&g hair complex will can abandon all other treatment forever (also propecia e rogaine)?
Do you believe that many people will abandon all other treatment to pass to a&g hair complex because wonder of a&g hair complex users results?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:07 pm

Hello everyone...
To the Qs:
Jacob: We are trying to get hold of William

goten: I am confident in the product otherwise I won't put my name on. Giving money back or partial refund does not imply confidence. For example, if you were sick and went to see a Dr. he prescribed antibiotics for, will you ask him for a money back if the meds did not work.

1... : Yes, the follicle and scalp are still growing and building up your hair back.

helpmyhair : Yes, you may do that.. that would be fine.

jojo via Jacob : Yes, that would be the case, I think it will be better if you allow at least 2 months before getting another set, just because you want to give the follicles all the time to build up and repair. So minimum 2 months

bombarie via Jacob : hair shedding is normal during the stages of hair grow, its classic. The number of hair will vary between individuals. I think its a good sign.

helpmyhair :Alopecia Araeta for those who don't know is an autoimmune condition. I won't advise it because we never tried it, if you want to try it please let me know and I will follow up with you.

Swoosh via Jacob: yes, it will grow faster because of the stimulation, but it will not over laod/ stress the follicle (that's why you apply it every other day)

1... : yes, because the follicles are still growing.

Kamisama via Jacob: we will develop a PPG free HC and I will post the release in this forum (exclusively) will keep you posted. If you have a PPG sensitivity, please wait for us to release the PPG free.

Hogan via Jacob: 1 year

Mrhairs : Yes, Yes, and Yes and time shall tell.

Thanks Jacob for doing this, I promise I will take time to come here and answer Qs

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Jajo » Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:34 pm

Dr.AQ wrote: Kamisama via Jacob: we will develop a PPG free HC and I will post the release in this forum (exclusively) will keep you posted. If you have a PPG sensitivity, please wait for us to release the PPG free.
Follow-up question to the one answered above for ya Doc!

As you know from our discussion (in PM), the PG sensitivity issue is a concern of mine as well. So I am happy to hear that you will be making a PG-free HC!

My question is this - in your best estimation, when will this formula be available - a week, a month? (a rough estimate is fine!)? Its taken me some time to finally decide to try your HC and now that I have, I just want some idea of how long it will be should I decide to wait for the PG-free flavored version ;-)

Thanks for your time!

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by goten574 » Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:06 am

Dr AQ, no doubt I will be purchasing Hair Complex once I hear more positive results. I am not sure if I am sensitive to PG (I should be fine with it) but I have two questions about the PG free formula:

1) Would the PG free formula be less effective than the PG formula (I am guessing yes, or else you would have made it PG from the start) and if so, how much less effective?

2) How would people like me who are not sure if they are sensitive to PG know what version to purchase when the time comes? Is there a PG test we can take? or would it be possible to provide us or sell us a PG testng kit? I'm just thinking of many people having that dilemma, selecting the PG version and then finding out they cannot use it well.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by kamisama » Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:44 am

Thanks Dr AQ in advance for the ppg-less batch. I do hope the absorption or watsoever will not be compromise w/o the ppg, cause i know that ppg is a good vehicle, but too bad it has its cons as well. i realise i have to ask a question here as well, so i would like to know regarding the release date which will be a rough guideline.


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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by HairLossFight.com » Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:18 pm

I have had to delete several posts that were completely unrelated to the A&G Q&A. Please keep this thread strictly for A&G Q&A. Thanks

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by mrw » Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:16 pm

Dr. AQ

Is there any chance that the use of minox on AGHC off days and after the last application could have a detrimental effect on what the HC is trying to do. In other words would it be better to quit minox before starting AGHC and staying off minox after AGHC treatment?

I know you have stated that it is ok to use, but what basis is there to make that conclusion. Did people use minox in the trials?



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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Swoosh » Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:22 pm

Dr.AQ wrote:
Swoosh via Jacob: yes, it will grow faster because of the stimulation, but it will not over laod/ stress the follicle (that's why you apply it every other day)
Is this a temporary or permanent effect?

Also, You mentioned you were going to try and have some more pics up by early this week. It's now Thursday. Any word on this?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:41 pm

Hello everyone

Jojo: The HC itself is sufficient to be absorbed without the help of the PG, however, the speed and the easiness of use will be impacted. Also, please keep in mind that, I am still not sure if indeed the PG is behind the reaction, especially since the PG % in the formula is minimal. Usually an allergic reaction happens quickly and comes with signs of redness, heat, itching and covers most of the exposed scalp. The people who reported a PG hypersensitivity to me, did not exhibit these symptoms. I am not ruling it out, but as a scientist I need more data before I draw any conclusion. One way to find out is to formulate a batch with no PG and send it to those who experienced a reaction to the PG. Timing wise, I just had a meeting and put forth a plan to produce a small patch for testing. Hopefully a week.

goten: 1) I think the effectiveness would be the same. 2) Most likely you are not, PG is found in many hair and skin products.

Kamisama : I agree with you, I am over seeing this personally and I will do my best to have it ready ASAP.

mrw : The reasons behind the production of A&G HC is to give people an alternative to minox. Minox is not good for you and for your hair. Like steriods, you will get muscles, but in the process you will loose health. My stand is, if you want to use minox with the HC, then do it in the off days.
trials were instructed not to use any other topicals or medications with the HC.

Swoosh: I think the reason why we've been getting emails asking us about the fast growth of hair is because its compared to the slow or no growth they been having before they used the HC. I think there will be a little speedy growth at the beginning but it will to normal afterwords.
We got the pictures and they are of a bad quality. The results were great, but I have a feeling I will make a case for it here. :D
We will make a decision tomorrow during the meeting.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by helpmyhair » Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:18 pm

Dr. AQ,

You are on the ball tonight with getting these questions answered. Here is one more for you. I was going to order the AGHC next week. I do not know if I will have a sensitivity to PG, but I do have very sensitive skin and allergies, so it is a possibility for me. If I order and have a reaction to the PG, am I able to send back the unopened bottles and get the PG-free version with no extra charge (except the shipping on my part)?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Jacob » Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:58 pm

Jacob wrote:Please try to keep this to just questions to Dr. AQ so that both the questions and answers can be easily seen- makes it easier for all involved.

Dr. AQ, if you could please use the "Quote" function when replying, that would be great. That would mean a post from you for each poster/question(s), but it'd make things easier for all of us. Thanks 8)
Bump for Dr. AQ.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by 1..... » Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:23 pm

Dr. AQ,

At what week did trials or yourself stop seeing new hair pop up? Like did people see new hairs pop up in week 10 or week 15? What week do you say the results are pretty final and no further improvements will be made.

Thanks doc.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by kamisama » Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:31 pm

Dr AQ,

in your previous reply, what you say about ppg being used in many products struck me. Heres a ques, if my skin product has ppg in it and i show no reaction, is it possible that my scalp would be sensitive to it or could it be another ingredient? basically, the face skin should react the same as the scalp as they are basically still the same skin on our body right?

And sorry to ask regarding the pics again, you said they were bad quality, but if clinics are using it shouldnt they be able to produce a rather normal quality pic than say anyone taking the pic themselves? I mean, in the clinics, someone took the photos for the person, which should be much clearer and easier. Not to mention people here who "self - shoot" can produce good pics as well.


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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Fri May 01, 2009 7:41 am

helpmyhair wrote:Dr. AQ,

You are on the ball tonight with getting these questions answered. Here is one more for you. I was going to order the AGHC next week. I do not know if I will have a sensitivity to PG, but I do have very sensitive skin and allergies, so it is a possibility for me. If I order and have a reaction to the PG, am I able to send back the unopened bottles and get the PG-free version with no extra charge (except the shipping on my part)?
I think many are worried about the PG, even though until now we are not certain. In general, if you are not sure 100% that you have a PG allergies, I will advise you to get the regular one. The patch with no PG will be produced for testing purposes and not sale (at least at this time). To start a new patch with new formula is not an easy task. We sold many and so far only 2 people reported a reaction and of these 2 we are still not sure if PG is the reason. Now if you order and you do indeed react to it, then contact me and I will work something out with you.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Fri May 01, 2009 7:55 am

1..... wrote:Dr. AQ,

At what week did trials or yourself stop seeing new hair pop up? Like did people see new hairs pop up in week 10 or week 15? What week do you say the results are pretty final and no further improvements will be made.

Thanks doc.
This is a tough Q to answer. Well, I think new hair always pops out through out your life, however, when it stops is when you are i trouble. So yes, the hair cycle is so far normal, for me. I am very pleased and happy with my hair. I was not in the past.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Fri May 01, 2009 8:02 am

kamisama wrote:Dr AQ,

in your previous reply, what you say about ppg being used in many products struck me. Heres a ques, if my skin product has ppg in it and i show no reaction, is it possible that my scalp would be sensitive to it or could it be another ingredient? basically, the face skin should react the same as the scalp as they are basically still the same skin on our body right?

And sorry to ask regarding the pics again, you said they were bad quality, but if clinics are using it shouldnt they be able to produce a rather normal quality pic than say anyone taking the pic themselves? I mean, in the clinics, someone took the photos for the person, which should be much clearer and easier. Not to mention people here who "self - shoot" can produce good pics as well.

That is not always the case with allergies. I will let you know about the pics later (no need to apologize)

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by driver52 » Fri May 01, 2009 11:05 am

Dr. AQ

You mentioned some trialist experienced excessive shedding. After one month of using the product I am still losing alot of hair, I would estimate around 80-100 coming out during each shower. How long was it until this shedding subsided? Also you mentioned the results for these people were very positive, how did they compare to the average and when did results begin to show for them?


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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Sat May 02, 2009 2:57 pm

driver52 wrote:Dr. AQ

You mentioned some trialist experienced excessive shedding. After one month of using the product I am still losing alot of hair, I would estimate around 80-100 coming out during each shower. How long was it until this shedding subsided? Also you mentioned the results for these people were very positive, how did they compare to the average and when did results begin to show for them?

4-6 weeks usually when the shedding stops. The average was 42% increase in regrowth. Please keep in mind that for a new hair to grow, old and weak hair have to shed. There are variations between people, but I am yet to hear about anyone who shedded and did not regrow hair.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Swoosh » Sat May 02, 2009 3:45 pm

So what is going on with the pics? Why is it always "next week?" How did you conduct a trial without high quality pictures? I don't understand why it is so hard to provide more pictures.

Honestly, if the pics on your website are what you consider great results, I think we all have misconceptions of what this product can do. Did the individual in those photos continue to see better results?

Sorry if I sound a bit down, but this picture situation is ridiculous. It wouldn't be such if you didn't continually say you will provide pics "next week." If you have no plan of providing any more pics, just say so. Maybe this is your strategy for staying under the radar ... who knows.

Edit: if you are going to use a machine for taking high resolution photographs, why post terribly insufficient low-res pics on your website?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Swoosh » Sun May 03, 2009 2:49 pm

Dr.AQ wrote:I am back.. :D
SW2- to finish my answers, the people participated were between 23-71yrs. Many of the 23% were older participants.
I'm not sure if this has been addressed already, but can you please explain the discrepancy between the ages you disclosed in the above quote and the ages (22-62yrs) that are listed at the bottom of the attached graph pulled from your website:
agchart.jpg (36.08 KiB) Viewed 61345 times

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by kamisama » Mon May 04, 2009 6:28 am

Dr AQ,

i hope you can understand our frustration and harsh tone sometimes due to the endless promises and hopes that previous products were supposed to deliver. I myself personally am waiting for the photos and am eager to try this product, even though i may have a suspected allergy to ppg as mentioned before. One thing that swoosh pointed out is that, are our expectations aligned with yours? No offense but i really am having high expectations from this product, as in really regrowing a substantial amount of hair. So is that expectation far fetched or?


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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Mon May 04, 2009 8:39 pm

Swoosh wrote:
Dr.AQ wrote:I am back.. :D
SW2- to finish my answers, the people participated were between 23-71yrs. Many of the 23% were older participants.
I'm not sure if this has been addressed already, but can you please explain the discrepancy between the ages you disclosed in the above quote and the ages (22-62yrs) that are listed at the bottom of the attached graph pulled from your website:
Yes, I was thinking of the skin care product. It was late at night and I misspoke. I take all the blame for the pictures and I understand your frustrations. I have nothing to say but SORRY. Please know its beyond my control. I was really hoping for great pictures to share and help people understand the potentials of this product. This is hurting our business and if there is anyone here who should be frustrated is me.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Mon May 04, 2009 8:51 pm

kamisama wrote:Dr AQ,

i hope you can understand our frustration and harsh tone sometimes due to the endless promises and hopes that previous products were supposed to deliver. I myself personally am waiting for the photos and am eager to try this product, even though i may have a suspected allergy to ppg as mentioned before. One thing that swoosh pointed out is that, are our expectations aligned with yours? No offense but i really am having high expectations from this product, as in really regrowing a substantial amount of hair. So is that expectation far fetched or?

I understand the frustrations and its not easy on me. Your expectations are in place and I think we need to wait and see.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by 1..... » Mon May 04, 2009 9:19 pm

Hey Dr. AQ,

I talked to you on the phone today about the causes of hairloss. I think you said 60% is due to unhealthy scalp. Can you explain that to me again? How does hairloss run in the genetics if the main factor is unhealthy scalp? What are the factors in having a healthy scalp? And how does DHT account for hairloss if having a unhealthy scalp is the main cause of hairloss?

Thanks Doc

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Folligen (Use to work great, not so much anymore)
Crinagen (I like the all-natural ingredients, but it also does not work as well as it use to)
Use to use Minoxidil 5% w/Retin-A - good results for about 8 years (No more)
Currently looking for a potent anti-inflammatory/DHT inhibitor (Yet to find a good one)
Shampoo w/ Avalon Organic Scalp Treatment (LOVE IT!!!)

Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by OldTimer » Mon May 04, 2009 11:57 pm

Dr.AQ wrote:
helpmyhair wrote:Dr. AQ,

You are on the ball tonight with getting these questions answered. Here is one more for you. I was going to order the AGHC next week. I do not know if I will have a sensitivity to PG, but I do have very sensitive skin and allergies, so it is a possibility for me. If I order and have a reaction to the PG, am I able to send back the unopened bottles and get the PG-free version with no extra charge (except the shipping on my part)?
I think many are worried about the PG, even though until now we are not certain. In general, if you are not sure 100% that you have a PG allergies, I will advise you to get the regular one. The patch with no PG will be produced for testing purposes and not sale (at least at this time). To start a new patch with new formula is not an easy task. We sold many and so far only 2 people reported a reaction and of these 2 we are still not sure if PG is the reason. Now if you order and you do indeed react to it, then contact me and I will work something out with you.
Dr. AQ, I was very disappointed when I saw the propylene glycol ingredient in the Hair Complex and here's why:
According to the Environmental Working Group "propylene glycol can cause a whole host of problems... It has been found to provoke skin irritation and sensitization in humans as low as 2% concentration..."

I personally have tried various hair loss treatments in the past with PG in them and it would always end up inflaming my scalp to some extent. I did try the A&G Complex and sure enough, the scalp inflammation in the front flared up. (4 vials was all my scalp could tolerate)- While I do believe this product can work, I am one of those hoping for a PG FREE (or alcohol free) version. I have no problem paying the $200, just want to know WHEN WILL IT BE AVAILABLE AND HOW CAN I ORDER IT?

Thanks for your response Dr. AQ, I appreciate your coming to this forum and answering questions.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by helpmyhair » Tue May 05, 2009 8:12 am

Dr AQ,

Just placed my order and had a question about storing the bottles. You have said to keep it in the fridge at around 4 degrees celcius (if I'm not mistaken). Anyway, I just moved into a new place and my fridge seems a bit colder than a normal fridge. I just had a glass of milk last night and it was very cold. Will this be a problem when storing the AGHC? Could it affect its effectiveness? Thanks. :)

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Swoosh » Tue May 05, 2009 8:27 am

For some reason, I am just now noticing that you recommend storing the product at 4C, even for the short-term. I've had the product for about a week now and it's been at room temp. Have I compromised the solution? :(

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Jajo » Tue May 05, 2009 5:02 pm

OldTimer wrote: Dr. AQ, I was very disappointed when I saw the propylene glycol ingredient in the Hair Complex and here's why:
According to the Environmental Working Group "propylene glycol can cause a whole host of problems... It has been found to provoke skin irritation and sensitization in humans as low as 2% concentration..."

I personally have tried various hair loss treatments in the past with PG in them and it would always end up inflaming my scalp to some extent. I did try the A&G Complex and sure enough, the scalp inflammation in the front flared up. (4 vials was all my scalp could tolerate)- While I do believe this product can work, I am one of those hoping for a PG FREE (or alcohol free) version. I have no problem paying the $200, just want to know WHEN WILL IT BE AVAILABLE AND HOW CAN I ORDER IT?

Thanks for your response Dr. AQ, I appreciate your coming to this forum and answering questions.
oldtimer -

The good Doctor has since stated on this forum (sorry, don't have the time to dig it up) that they have listened to this concern, had a meeting last week and decided to proceed with a PG-free HC.

I have since spoke to him about this (I too have had a past sensitivity to PG in general) and it sounds like they are moving expeditiously.

He also said that he would announce its completion on this forum.


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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by p__ » Wed May 06, 2009 8:30 am

Hi Dr AQ!

You recently stated that "over 60% of hair loss is as a result of unhealthy scalp".

I have a few questions:
  1. How did you arrive at that number?
  2. Is the 60% statement valid specifically for AGA or is it a general figure relating to all kinds of hair loss, including the normal thinning that appears in all people as we get older? If it is a general figure, it would seem it is not necessarily important to MPB subjects, who suffer from a very specific form of hair loss.
  3. What are you referring to when you say "scalp"? Are you talking about the skin cells surrounding the follicle? Dermis? Epidermis? etc...
  4. Could you give us some detail of what it is about the scalp that is unhealthy in AGA subjects and the reasons behind that lacking health?
  5. If scalp health - not just to follicle health - is so important, why is there no mention of scalp health on the AGHC web page? There are only references to follicles and their condition.
Thank you for your valuable input!

(I see that some of these questions were basically just asked by another member above. Mods, feel free to edit out any parts of my questions you think are redundant!)

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Wed May 06, 2009 8:56 pm

helpmyhair wrote:Dr AQ,

Just placed my order and had a question about storing the bottles. You have said to keep it in the fridge at around 4 degrees celcius (if I'm not mistaken). Anyway, I just moved into a new place and my fridge seems a bit colder than a normal fridge. I just had a glass of milk last night and it was very cold. Will this be a problem when storing the AGHC? Could it affect its effectiveness? Thanks. :)
That would be OK, just make sure you don't freeze it.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Wed May 06, 2009 8:57 pm

Swoosh wrote:For some reason, I am just now noticing that you recommend storing the product at 4C, even for the short-term. I've had the product for about a week now and it's been at room temp. Have I compromised the solution? :(
No. It should be ok.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Wed May 06, 2009 9:02 pm

OldTimer wrote:
Dr.AQ wrote:
helpmyhair wrote:Dr. AQ,

You are on the ball tonight with getting these questions answered. Here is one more for you. I was going to order the AGHC next week. I do not know if I will have a sensitivity to PG, but I do have very sensitive skin and allergies, so it is a possibility for me. If I order and have a reaction to the PG, am I able to send back the unopened bottles and get the PG-free version with no extra charge (except the shipping on my part)?
I think many are worried about the PG, even though until now we are not certain. In general, if you are not sure 100% that you have a PG allergies, I will advise you to get the regular one. The patch with no PG will be produced for testing purposes and not sale (at least at this time). To start a new patch with new formula is not an easy task. We sold many and so far only 2 people reported a reaction and of these 2 we are still not sure if PG is the reason. Now if you order and you do indeed react to it, then contact me and I will work something out with you.
Dr. AQ, I was very disappointed when I saw the propylene glycol ingredient in the Hair Complex and here's why:
According to the Environmental Working Group "propylene glycol can cause a whole host of problems... It has been found to provoke skin irritation and sensitization in humans as low as 2% concentration..."

I personally have tried various hair loss treatments in the past with PG in them and it would always end up inflaming my scalp to some extent. I did try the A&G Complex and sure enough, the scalp inflammation in the front flared up. (4 vials was all my scalp could tolerate)- While I do believe this product can work, I am one of those hoping for a PG FREE (or alcohol free) version. I have no problem paying the $200, just want to know WHEN WILL IT BE AVAILABLE AND HOW CAN I ORDER IT?

Thanks for your response Dr. AQ, I appreciate your coming to this forum and answering questions.
Thanks JoJo.. We are working on it as we speak and I will announce it here before making it public.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Wed May 06, 2009 9:29 pm

1..... wrote:Hey Dr. AQ,

I talked to you on the phone today about the causes of hairloss. I think you said 60% is due to unhealthy scalp. Can you explain that to me again? How does hairloss run in the genetics if the main factor is unhealthy scalp? What are the factors in having a healthy scalp? And how does DHT account for hairloss if having a unhealthy scalp is the main cause of hairloss?

Thanks Doc
Was great talking to you..I will be brief

Scalp play a role in follicle health and support. Having a genetic trace of hair loss makes you susceptible to hair loss giving other factors. For example, if you have diabetes running in the family, that does not means you will get it even through you exercise and eat healthy. What is means, you will have a higher chance of being a diabetic if you dietary uptake of sugar is high. Now here were the scalp healthiness comes in play. DHT is secondary, that means it acts as a result of. Why do I say that, because DHT peaks at puberty in the same time hair growth also peaks during the same time. This means there are other factors that contribute to hair loss beside DHT. In addition, why is it DHT only effects head hair and not facial hair? There are many unknown when it comes to cell signaling but based on the results we've seen, I believe our approach in addressing the scalp in our complex is a sound approach.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by goten574 » Wed May 06, 2009 9:38 pm

Dr. AQ,

Why do you think MPB appears in a pattern? Why are hairs at the side and back of the head resistant from MPB?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Wed May 06, 2009 9:48 pm

p__ wrote:Hi Dr AQ!

You recently stated that "over 60% of hair loss is as a result of unhealthy scalp".

I have a few questions:
  1. How did you arrive at that number?
  2. Is the 60% statement valid specifically for AGA or is it a general figure relating to all kinds of hair loss, including the normal thinning that appears in all people as we get older? If it is a general figure, it would seem it is not necessarily important to MPB subjects, who suffer from a very specific form of hair loss.
  3. What are you referring to when you say "scalp"? Are you talking about the skin cells surrounding the follicle? Dermis? Epidermis? etc...
  4. Could you give us some detail of what it is about the scalp that is unhealthy in AGA subjects and the reasons behind that lacking health?
  5. If scalp health - not just to follicle health - is so important, why is there no mention of scalp health on the AGHC web page? There are only references to follicles and their condition.
Thank you for your valuable input!

(I see that some of these questions were basically just asked by another member above. Mods, feel free to edit out any parts of my questions you think are redundant!)
P__ : good seeing you again, been awhile (in brief):

1- I was attending a lecture by Dr. Paus R ( a hair loss specialist from Germany) here in Irvine where I got the number and from our study. Look him up in pubmed, he published a lot on the topic.
2- I am talking in general excluding Alopecia Areata
3- The Scalp: Skin, Connective tissue, Aponeurosis, loose areolar connective tissue and the pericranium.
4- Some part of the layers mentioned above is defective.
5- on the main page of agskinsolutions.com. We refer to the HC as 'hair and scalp supplement'. We could have called it Hair supplement and left the scalp out.
You are most welcome Sir.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Wed May 06, 2009 9:56 pm

goten574 wrote:Dr. AQ,

Why do you think MPB appears in a pattern? Why are hairs at the side and back of the head resistant from MPB?
Great Question: There are many reasons attributed to this, I don't think we know why exactly but here are what have been proposed:
1- genetic background
2- Anatomy
3- Environment
4- Age
5- Scalp conditions
6- Random

Your guess is as good as mine :D I hope this helps

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by goten574 » Wed May 06, 2009 10:05 pm

Dr.AQ wrote:
goten574 wrote:Dr. AQ,

Why do you think MPB appears in a pattern? Why are hairs at the side and back of the head resistant from MPB?
Great Question: There are many reasons attributed to this, I don't think we know why exactly but here are what have been proposed:
1- genetic background
2- Anatomy
3- Environment
4- Age
5- Scalp conditions
6- Random

Your guess is as good as mine :D I hope this helps
Thanks for being honest, it just shows neither of us knows. I fail to see how environment will only affect hair at the front and top, the same goes with scalp condition, it's not possible to see the same pattern millions of time all over the world if it's down to bad scalp condition as everyone has different scalps, with different levels of care. Isn't this something that can be looked at under the microscope? I saw a programme where they ingraved someones name into a single hair, if it is possible to zoom in that much, why can't a hair from MPB regions be directly compared to MPB resistant hair? Or would observation alone not show anything?

I think when we can find out why the pattern is the way it is, it will open a new door into understanding MPB. Doctor, as an educated guess, what would happen if you implant MPB affected hair elsewhere in the body such as an arm or leg? Would it correct itself or continue to degrade over time? If it corrected itself, I think this would prove that DHT is not a big enough cause.
Last edited by goten574 on Thu May 07, 2009 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by 1..... » Wed May 06, 2009 10:59 pm

Dr.AQ wrote:
1..... wrote:Hey Dr. AQ,

I talked to you on the phone today about the causes of hairloss. I think you said 60% is due to unhealthy scalp. Can you explain that to me again? How does hairloss run in the genetics if the main factor is unhealthy scalp? What are the factors in having a healthy scalp? And how does DHT account for hairloss if having a unhealthy scalp is the main cause of hairloss?

Thanks Doc
Was great talking to you..I will be brief

Scalp play a role in follicle health and support. Having a genetic trace of hair loss makes you susceptible to hair loss giving other factors. For example, if you have diabetes running in the family, that does not means you will get it even through you exercise and eat healthy. What is means, you will have a higher chance of being a diabetic if you dietary uptake of sugar is high. Now here were the scalp healthiness comes in play. DHT is secondary, that means it acts as a result of. Why do I say that, because DHT peaks at puberty in the same time hair growth also peaks during the same time. This means there are other factors that contribute to hair loss beside DHT. In addition, why is it DHT only effects head hair and not facial hair? There are many unknown when it comes to cell signaling but based on the results we've seen, I believe our approach in addressing the scalp in our complex is a sound approach.

Thanks Dr. AQ. This makes sense to me now. All I know is that AGHC is working for me and I am loving the results so far. Cant thank you enough Doc

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