Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by aviador » Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:44 am

All this thing about google earth is so SAD...

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by kamui » Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:39 am

Dr AQ,

I typed in your name, Dr. Ahmed Al-Qahtani, in http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ , and nothing came up. How come?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by bone1999 » Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:53 am

kamui wrote:Dr AQ,

I typed in your name, Dr. Ahmed Al-Qahtani, in http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ , and nothing came up. How come?
Dude... try it without "Dr."... :wink:

Edit:: I believe this would be the paper in question...

1: Nat Immunol. 2009 May;10(5):540-50. Epub 2009 Apr 12.Click here to read Links
HoxC4 binds to the promoter of the cytidine deaminase AID gene to induce AID expression, class-switch DNA recombination and somatic hypermutation.
Park SR, Zan H, Pal Z, Zhang J, Al-Qahtani A, Pone EJ, Xu Z, Mai T, Casali P.

Institute for Immunology, School of Medicine and School of Biological Sciences, University of California, Irvine, California, USA.

The cytidine deaminase AID (encoded by Aicda in mice and AICDA in humans) is critical for immunoglobulin class-switch recombination (CSR) and somatic hypermutation (SHM). Here we show that AID expression was induced by the HoxC4 homeodomain transcription factor, which bound to a highly conserved HoxC4-Oct site in the Aicda or AICDA promoter. This site functioned in synergy with a conserved binding site for the transcription factors Sp1, Sp3 and NF-kappaB. HoxC4 was 'preferentially' expressed in germinal center B cells and was upregulated by engagement of CD40 by CD154, as well as by lipopolysaccharide and interleukin 4. HoxC4 deficiency resulted in impaired CSR and SHM because of lower AID expression and not some other putative HoxC4-dependent activity. Enforced expression of AID in Hoxc4(-/-) B cells fully restored CSR. Thus, HoxC4 directly activates the Aicda promoter, thereby inducing AID expression, CSR and SHM.

PMID: 19363484 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Fizzball » Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:39 am

As much as I dislike the advice given by Dr. William Rassman (seems totally pro Hair Transplant) he may have additional clout considering he is a doctor and a very vocal one at that, when he was asked about your product A&G Hair complex he claimed that based on the ingredients listed in HC there is no scientific evidence supporting your claims and has labeled your product as "Snake oil" which does cast a stain on your name.

Dr. William Rassman's response to your product (Full response)
I looked at the A & G Hair Complex product’s website and I am not impressed at all. For starters, there are photography problems (it appears to be one patient, small photos, and no information about what other treatments were being used at the time). Plus, there is no science here to support their claims based on the ingredients they list. I wonder if the FDA was aware of the claims made, would this product still be on the market? From what little information is available, it seems that this is a once a year treatment for $200 (or is it a once a lifetime treatment?). They include a bar graph that is apparently from a study — but who conducted the study, where was it published, and how long was the study? It reeks of snake oil, and as a skeptic, you can assume where I’d file this product under.


After having read the full response from Dr. William Rassman what do you have to say in your defense and can you offer some explanations to his doubts and questions.

Honestly I am glad chore boy asked those questions, although they have a negative sting to them and are almost insulting they are questions and doubts that he obviously had and I hope those concerns and issues are at rest now, honestly I don't care a hoot about those details if and when I try the product and it works I will be doing cartwheels. :D
Don't mistake my optimism for stupidity

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by p__ » Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:24 am

Here is a link which confirms that the article was published in Nature Immunology:

http://www.nature.com/search/executeSea ... &sp-q-1=NI

Dr AQ, I realize you felt compelled to answer ChoreBoy's insinuations right away, and you have been great sticking around and answering our questions! I hope you weren't too offended. I know Chore "shoots from the hips" so to speak and he isn't always the most diplomatic person (no offense, Chore). Nonetheless, I think you gave a satisfactory answer to his concerns.

Anyway, I would be really grateful if you could answer my earlier question as well. I post it here again, since it perhaps got a bit lost in all the (somewhat needless) commotion:
Dr.AQ wrote:A lot of our work rotate around educating our customers. A&G HC contains more GF in a 6ml than any other product in the market. In fact we would like to challenge any company to come up with a product that would contain half of the amount of GFs that you would find in a 6 ml HC.
That is a very interesting challenge and a smart way to address the competition! So, what is the concentration or amount of growth factors in your product? In order make that challenge a reality, we need to have a number to compare other products to!

I know at least one growth factor based product for hair with the concentration of 10 ppm and skin products with 60 ppm concentration. How high is the concentration of growth factors in the AGHC?
Dr.AQ wrote:2- OK, it's not my style to talk about another companies but for the sake of truth I would. There is NO relationship between A&G and Caregen. Their technology is different from ours and there GFs are way different from ours. My only contact with them was through a 3rd party. I was brought in as a consultant almost 2 years ago. In regards to the bottles, GFs have to be contained in an airless pump bottles and there are not to many high quality of them when factoring the pricing and availability thus you will see many of GF companies using the same bottles. NO I did not help them or deal with them, I only dealt with a company that hired me to consult for them while dealing with Caregen. For the record, A&G develop their own GFs from scratch.
I hope things are clear now.. :D
Excellent! That should clear things up! Good answer!

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by cld517 » Sat Jun 06, 2009 11:02 am

Dr. this is reposted from ealier in the thread..it seems as though you've missed it..kim alos forwarded an email to you containing the same info while you were away..

Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G
by cld517 » Sun May 10, 2009 7:12 pm

a few questions..

1. at which point should i be starting the timeline, from when i first began the complex or after i finished the last application? i finished it on the 23rd of april, but began using it around march31st, so am i 18 days in or am i close to 6 weeks in?

2. you have stated previously that if desired a 2nd round could be used at the 2 month mark, again where is the starting point as stated above?

i know that money back was debated here already and i personally feel it's not a reasonable request, we all know that the companies that offer such are a) over charging in the 1st place b) only giving you a short period of time to evaluate 3) charging you s & h either way..so in a nutshell they are making money even if you return...

BUT....have you considered some sort of discount for repeat orders? maybe 25% or something like that?

here's the link to where i am as far as observations in case you've missed it..i posted in both the results thread and the original thread

http://www.hairlossfight.com/forums/vie ... 6062#p6062

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Jacob » Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:05 pm

The Google map/apartment issue/question was and is a legitimate one. For those of you who don't have a problem with it being the address they use- fine. It was a simple..easy to respond to..question. Getting all worked up about someone pressing him on it is...Hmmmmmmmmmm......

I do hope Dr. AQ will respond to the other questions on that, as well as the others posted prior to and since his last response here.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:10 pm

cld517 wrote:Dr. this is reposted from ealier in the thread..it seems as though you've missed it..kim alos forwarded an email to you containing the same info while you were away..

Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G
by cld517 » Sun May 10, 2009 7:12 pm

a few questions..

1. at which point should i be starting the timeline, from when i first began the complex or after i finished the last application? i finished it on the 23rd of april, but began using it around march31st, so am i 18 days in or am i close to 6 weeks in?

2. you have stated previously that if desired a 2nd round could be used at the 2 month mark, again where is the starting point as stated above?

i know that money back was debated here already and i personally feel it's not a reasonable request, we all know that the companies that offer such are a) over charging in the 1st place b) only giving you a short period of time to evaluate 3) charging you s & h either way..so in a nutshell they are making money even if you return...

BUT....have you considered some sort of discount for repeat orders? maybe 25% or something like that?

here's the link to where i am as far as observations in case you've missed it..i posted in both the results thread and the original thread

http://www.hairlossfight.com/forums/vie ... 6062#p6062
I am sorry I missed it, You can start counting from the day you start using the HC. Remember people respond differently some get a quick results and other take them time to develop a good regrowth. The reason I picked week 12 or 15 is because I think by that time, one will get an indication of their progress and be able to decide if a second treatment is necessary.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:17 pm

p__ wrote:Here is a link which confirms that the article was published in Nature Immunology:

http://www.nature.com/search/executeSea ... &sp-q-1=NI

Dr AQ, I realize you felt compelled to answer ChoreBoy's insinuations right away, and you have been great sticking around and answering our questions! I hope you weren't too offended. I know Chore "shoots from the hips" so to speak and he isn't always the most diplomatic person (no offense, Chore). Nonetheless, I think you gave a satisfactory answer to his concerns.

Anyway, I would be really grateful if you could answer my earlier question as well. I post it here again, since it perhaps got a bit lost in all the (somewhat needless) commotion:
Dr.AQ wrote:A lot of our work rotate around educating our customers. A&G HC contains more GF in a 6ml than any other product in the market. In fact we would like to challenge any company to come up with a product that would contain half of the amount of GFs that you would find in a 6 ml HC.
That is a very interesting challenge and a smart way to address the competition! So, what is the concentration or amount of growth factors in your product? In order make that challenge a reality, we need to have a number to compare other products to!

I know at least one growth factor based product for hair with the concentration of 10 ppm and skin products with 60 ppm concentration. How high is the concentration of growth factors in the AGHC?
Dr.AQ wrote:2- OK, it's not my style to talk about another companies but for the sake of truth I would. There is NO relationship between A&G and Caregen. Their technology is different from ours and there GFs are way different from ours. My only contact with them was through a 3rd party. I was brought in as a consultant almost 2 years ago. In regards to the bottles, GFs have to be contained in an airless pump bottles and there are not to many high quality of them when factoring the pricing and availability thus you will see many of GF companies using the same bottles. NO I did not help them or deal with them, I only dealt with a company that hired me to consult for them while dealing with Caregen. For the record, A&G develop their own GFs from scratch.
I hope things are clear now.. :D
Excellent! That should clear things up! Good answer!
I can't give you our exact GF concentrations, this is what differentiate us from the others assuming they do have a full 3-D GFs in their products. Our GFs do not come from powdered GFs or peptides. It's not enough to have high concentration of GFs, you need a high quality and a right ratio.
p.s. we have way more GFs than that
Last edited by Dr.AQ on Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:36 pm

Fizzball wrote:As much as I dislike the advice given by Dr. William Rassman (seems totally pro Hair Transplant) he may have additional clout considering he is a doctor and a very vocal one at that, when he was asked about your product A&G Hair complex he claimed that based on the ingredients listed in HC there is no scientific evidence supporting your claims and has labeled your product as "Snake oil" which does cast a stain on your name.

Dr. William Rassman's response to your product (Full response)
I looked at the A & G Hair Complex product’s website and I am not impressed at all. For starters, there are photography problems (it appears to be one patient, small photos, and no information about what other treatments were being used at the time). Plus, there is no science here to support their claims based on the ingredients they list. I wonder if the FDA was aware of the claims made, would this product still be on the market? From what little information is available, it seems that this is a once a year treatment for $200 (or is it a once a lifetime treatment?). They include a bar graph that is apparently from a study — but who conducted the study, where was it published, and how long was the study? It reeks of snake oil, and as a skeptic, you can assume where I’d file this product under.


After having read the full response from Dr. William Rassman what do you have to say in your defense and can you offer some explanations to his doubts and questions.

Honestly I am glad chore boy asked those questions, although they have a negative sting to them and are almost insulting they are questions and doubts that he obviously had and I hope those concerns and issues are at rest now, honestly I don't care a hoot about those details if and when I try the product and it works I will be doing cartwheels. :D
In the past I was asked to respond to his comments and I refused. I think he's entitled of his opinion and I can't fault him for it. I don't appreciate the " snake oil" comments but he's my dad's age, I can't really talk back or react (mama taught me better than that).
I think time will tell beside HC success means he's out of business.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:54 pm

Jacob wrote:The Google map/apartment issue/question was and is a legitimate one. For those of you who don't have a problem with it being the address they use- fine. It was a simple..easy to respond to..question. Getting all worked up about someone pressing him on it is...Hmmmmmmmmmm......

I do hope Dr. AQ will respond to the other questions on that, as well as the others posted prior to and since his last response here.
I am sorry you think this way Jacob. There is no need for the pressing or the negative tone.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by p__ » Sun Jun 07, 2009 5:56 am

Dr.AQ wrote:There is no need for the pressing or the negative tone.
I agree! You have been very patient with us! Please remember that many guys are very frustrated with their hair loss and thus react a bit "unbalanced" sometimes. Naturally, their concerns are often legitimate as such, they just aren't raised in a particularly productive way. Being a professional, you'll have no problems answering and settling their concerns in a rational way, though, however tactlessly they were presented!

One thing I know that people on another forum are wondering (not me, NB) is about the exact location and nature of your lab/manufacturing facility.

1. What are the exact addresses of your lab/manufacturing facilities where your GFs are produced and mixed? For some reason, this appears to be important to a lot of people. Anyway, I can't imagine that it would be very difficult for you to answer that and settle their concerns.

2. Are the lab and manufacturing facilities where your GFs are produced owned by A&G?

Again, I'm just relaying these questions. Please don't "kill the messenger". :) They are not meant to be negative or interragatory in any way. People are just seeking information and it's an easy way for you to reassure them of your company's legitimacy.
Dr.AQ wrote:In fact we would like to challenge any company to come up with a product that would contain half of the amount of GFs that you would find in a 6 ml HC.
Dr.AQ wrote:I can't give you our exact GF concentrations...
Hehe, then it is a bit difficult to take on that challenge!
Dr.AQ wrote:p.s. we have way more GFs than that
Good to know! Than we at least know that the AGHC has more GFs than those products! When I find other products with even higher concentration of GFs, I'll get back to you and ask you again! :D

But then again,

3. Why would the concentration matter anyway? You already said that the treatment was not dose dependent!

The tough questions continue :lol:
Dr.AQ wrote:assuming they do have a full 3-D GFs in their products.
4. When you say 3-D GF, aren't you referring to the culturing environment of the growth factors? If so, how is that relevant? 3D culturing may produce more GFs, but are they different? Are you saying that your growth factors are different per se, that they have a different structure/isoform than GFs produced by others, that your VEGF looks significantly different than the VEGF of other companies, for instance? Any information on this would be very useful, since I don't know much about GFs or GF production. Educate me! :)

Thank you for your answers and keep up the good work! Hope you're having a great weekend in Vegas, btw! ;)
Last edited by p__ on Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by chore boy » Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:11 am

Sam giving me a warning for what... voicing my concerns? Stay in your lane, Bombarie.

I felt and still do feel the Google Earth issue is a valid one. I'd like to think that if you are in fact producing GFs, then the FDA would surely be aware of this facility... guess I'll know more in the next few days.

The major concern I have is that he refuses to talk about the mechanisms that AGHC supposedly addresses. I can understand not wanting to disclose ingredients for proprietary reasons but I can't see why you can't tell us how it works. One minute you say that AGHC will impart a youthful state onto dormant hairs and the next, you say that these hairs are "dead" and AGHC won't have any effect. So I ask again, what is your theory of MPB and what do you believe the mechansims of it to be?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Jacob » Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:36 am

Dr.AQ wrote:
Jacob wrote:The Google map/apartment issue/question was and is a legitimate one. For those of you who don't have a problem with it being the address they use- fine. It was a simple..easy to respond to..question. Getting all worked up about someone pressing him on it is...Hmmmmmmmmmm......

I do hope Dr. AQ will respond to the other questions on that, as well as the others posted prior to and since his last response here.
I am sorry you think this way Jacob. There is no need for the pressing or the negative tone.

I'm not referring to the "negative tone"..just the questions- as P___ expanded upon. So I'm assuming P___(what the bleep is P___ anyway? You never did tell me...P___) is agreeing with the "negative tone" part, since he himself has posted what others are referring to.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Jacob » Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:45 am

I do have some other questions though..such as- since you're looking to go pg-less, at least for those who want to go pg-less...why not go nanosomal? I realize you say you're completely different from Caregen- GF's you use etc..but they at least are able to encapsulate their ingredients in nanosomes. Which gets you away from PG(at least theirs does..I think) and alcohol. Absorption would be better- might not be the need to massage your head for 5 minutes..etc.

I seemed to have gotten a little irritation after using the product, but that soon (w/in a couple of weeks) cleared up. Maybe because of that "probiotic-like" product I used..maybe it cleared up on it's own.

Any chance smaller vials/bottles can be used, since you're now saying spreading the treatments out beyond the 5 done in the trials etc will give you better results? (Did you actually say that btw? That's in you-know-who's Q&A thread. I can't imagine there's any evidence that one would get better results, since this all started out with 5 vials/5 treatments). In other words..instead of 5 larger vials..you would get 15 or more smaller ones. This would make it easier when it comes to applying it..as well as ease our worries about stability etc once a vial is opened.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by aviador » Sun Jun 07, 2009 12:58 pm

Jacob wrote: I'm not referring to the "negative tone"..just the questions- as P___ expanded upon. So I'm assuming P___(what the bleep is P___ anyway? You never did tell me...P___) is agreeing with the "negative tone" part, since he himself has posted what others are referring to.
Lol that was hilarious... :roll:
ChoreBoy wrote:The major concern I have is that he refuses to talk about the mechanisms that AGHC supposedly addresses. I can understand not wanting to disclose ingredients for proprietary reasons but I can't see why you can't tell us how it works. One minute you say that AGHC will impart a youthful state onto dormant hairs and the next, you say that these hairs are "dead" and AGHC won't have any effect. So I ask again, what is your theory of MPB and what do you believe the mechansims of it to be?
I think you are mixing to much things together trying to analyze each word said by the doctor in different contexts.
I recommend you a very cool movie: "The Doubt". Meryl Streep does a fantastic work.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:14 pm

p__ wrote:
Dr.AQ wrote:There is no need for the pressing or the negative tone.
I agree! You have been very patient with us! Please remember that many guys are very frustrated with their hair loss and thus react a bit "unbalanced" sometimes. Naturally, their concerns are often legitimate as such, they just aren't raised in a particularly productive way. Being a professional, you'll have no problems answering and settling their concerns in a rational way, though, however tactlessly they were presented!

One thing I know that people on another forum are wondering (not me, NB) is about the exact location and nature of your lab/manufacturing facility.

1. What are the exact addresses of your lab/manufacturing facilities where your GFs are produced and mixed? For some reason, this appears to be important to a lot of people. Anyway, I can't imagine that it would be very difficult for you to answer that and settle their concerns.

2. Are the lab and manufacturing facilities where your GFs are produced owned by A&G?

Again, I'm just relaying these questions. Please don't "kill the messenger". :) They are not meant to be negative or interragatory in any way. People are just seeking information and it's an easy way for you to reassure them of your company's legitimacy.
Dr.AQ wrote:In fact we would like to challenge any company to come up with a product that would contain half of the amount of GFs that you would find in a 6 ml HC.
Dr.AQ wrote:I can't give you our exact GF concentrations...
Hehe, then it is a bit difficult to take on that challenge!
Dr.AQ wrote:p.s. we have way more GFs than that
Good to know! Than we at least know that the AGHC has more GFs than those products! When I find other products with even higher concentration of GFs, I'll get back to you and ask you again! :D

But then again,

3. Why would the concentration matter anyway? You already said that the treatment was not dose dependent!

The tough questions continue :lol:
Dr.AQ wrote:assuming they do have a full 3-D GFs in their products.
4. When you say 3-D GF, aren't you referring to the culturing environment of the growth factors? If so, how is that relevant? 3D culturing may produce more GFs, but are they different? Are you saying that your growth factors are different per se, that they have a different structure/isoform than GFs produced by others, that your VEGF looks significantly different than the VEGF of other companies, for instance? Any information on this would be very useful, since I don't know much about GFs or GF production. Educate me! :)

Thank you for your answers and keep up the good work! Hope you're having a great weekend in Vegas, btw! ;)
I am not going to kill the messenger !! I am just going to give him some hair :D

I appreciate you passing me the concerns of the people from the other forums. The address and exact location of our lab and manufacturing facilities is not important. I wonder if they knew where is minox and other products are manufactured. The fact that I am here answering Qs makes me an easy target for questions of these nature. If there is a quality issues (leakage, bad packaging or missing bottles) then I can understand why will someone asked about where we manufacture our product. If you want to confirm the legitimacy of A&G, its simple, go to california business search and put our name (http://kepler.sos.ca.gov/corpdata/ShowList) or you can call them and ask them about us. This is a government site and can be trusted. FYI-Many people here commented on the packaging and the quality of the material used.

Ok, the concentration and dose dependency is two different things. (think about it).

For the GFs to be effective, they will need to be manufactured on their native structures ( as suppose to Caregen and others). The VEGF that we produce is the same as the VEGF found naturally in the body. I can't comment on the others VEGF, I don't have the data.

Sorry to keep it short, I am watching the lakers.. Vegas was great and we got a lot of positive feedback. I need a vacation soon !!

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:30 pm

Jacob wrote:I do have some other questions though..such as- since you're looking to go pg-less, at least for those who want to go pg-less...why not go nanosomal? I realize you say you're completely different from Caregen- GF's you use etc..but they at least are able to encapsulate their ingredients in nanosomes. Which gets you away from PG(at least theirs does..I think) and alcohol. Absorption would be better- might not be the need to massage your head for 5 minutes..etc.

I seemed to have gotten a little irritation after using the product, but that soon (w/in a couple of weeks) cleared up. Maybe because of that "probiotic-like" product I used..maybe it cleared up on it's own.

Any chance smaller vials/bottles can be used, since you're now saying spreading the treatments out beyond the 5 done in the trials etc will give you better results? (Did you actually say that btw? That's in you-know-who's Q&A thread. I can't imagine there's any evidence that one would get better results, since this all started out with 5 vials/5 treatments). In other words..instead of 5 larger vials..you would get 15 or more smaller ones. This would make it easier when it comes to applying it..as well as ease our worries about stability etc once a vial is opened.
The cost will change if we used 15 vials and nanosomes will be considered in the future. Is Caregen product out?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Jacob » Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:12 pm

Dr.AQ wrote:
Jacob wrote:I do have some other questions though..such as- since you're looking to go pg-less, at least for those who want to go pg-less...why not go nanosomal? I realize you say you're completely different from Caregen- GF's you use etc..but they at least are able to encapsulate their ingredients in nanosomes. Which gets you away from PG(at least theirs does..I think) and alcohol. Absorption would be better- might not be the need to massage your head for 5 minutes..etc.

I seemed to have gotten a little irritation after using the product, but that soon (w/in a couple of weeks) cleared up. Maybe because of that "probiotic-like" product I used..maybe it cleared up on it's own.

Any chance smaller vials/bottles can be used, since you're now saying spreading the treatments out beyond the 5 done in the trials etc will give you better results? (Did you actually say that btw? That's in you-know-who's Q&A thread. I can't imagine there's any evidence that one would get better results, since this all started out with 5 vials/5 treatments). In other words..instead of 5 larger vials..you would get 15 or more smaller ones. This would make it easier when it comes to applying it..as well as ease our worries about stability etc once a vial is opened.
The cost will change if we used 15 vials and nanosomes will be considered in the future. Is Caregen product out?
Well..depending on how much more it'd cost..I'm sure some would still prefer it.

Caregen has so many products it's hard to keep track of 'em all. The latest is there's some new product..that I think contains Noggin...that has gone through a trial in Germany..that should be available by the end of the summer(that's MY guess anyway). Some of their other products..the DermalHeal line for example..are already out. Then there's the newest(been out for over a year- overseas at least) Stem C'rum line..which is also nanosomal..but is only available via a doctor. Supposedly.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by perga » Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:25 pm

Hi Dr AQ!

I'm glad you are sticking around through thick and thin; I think it speaks well for your character and faith in the product.

My question is: would it be possible to provide some kind of discount to repeat customers from this forum? I have had good results so far, but I want more!

Also everyone, I changed my pictures back to "public" so you can view them by clicking on my link to the right of this post. Before you say it, YES my hair is significantly longer than it was initially. I have not cut it since just before I started A&G. I will cut it again if I can afford another round, and we will have some irrefutable evidence of success or failure (I personally think the former).

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by goten574 » Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:33 pm

Dr. AQ

In what ways could you make Hair Complex more effective without impacting the price to much?


Would you consider Hair Complex the best hair loss treatment to date excluding a hair transplant and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by driver52 » Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:31 pm

Dr. AQ

It seems many of us who tried the complex are nearing the 9-10 week mark. Few have reported much growth and I dont think anyone has acheived the results that William reported at 9-10 weeks.

"...withn 17 days of treatment I began to see noticeable growth of hair in the teated area (I had to write down what I noticed daily). The growth of hair has continued till today. I estimate that after 9-10 weeks of treatment I have about a 40% increase in the density of hair that I had previous to treatment with A & G Hair Complex..."

I myself am at the 9 week mark and have not seen any improvement or even reduction or change in hair shedding.

Is this the feedback that you expected at this point? You are very enthusiastic about your product and said that some of us would see results as early as three weeks. Therefore at this point I think there should be some more people seeing noticeable growth at 9-10 weeks. Unless there are some big changes to come in the next few weeks there will be many that will not be satisfied with one application. Many more than the percentage that required two applications in your study.

Having that said, do you feel that you may have overestimated the capabilities of your product?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by kamui » Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:33 pm


indeed looks like your crown has improved but again it could be because it's grown out. Be super nice of you if you buzz it again like in pic one, then we will know for sure! :D :D :D

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:58 pm

perga wrote:Hi Dr AQ!

I'm glad you are sticking around through thick and thin; I think it speaks well for your character and faith in the product.

My question is: would it be possible to provide some kind of discount to repeat customers from this forum? I have had good results so far, but I want more!

Also everyone, I changed my pictures back to "public" so you can view them by clicking on my link to the right of this post. Before you say it, YES my hair is significantly longer than it was initially. I have not cut it since just before I started A&G. I will cut it again if I can afford another round, and we will have some irrefutable evidence of success or failure (I personally think the former).
Thanks for sharing with us your results. If we ignore the regrowth for a second, the hair quality has improved. I regards to second round discount, I will discuss it with Sam and see if there is a way we can get a number of member who will be interested in a second round. It will be easy for me to justify a discount when there is a volume involved (whole sale price).

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:14 pm

driver52 wrote:Dr. AQ

It seems many of us who tried the complex are nearing the 9-10 week mark. Few have reported much growth and I dont think anyone has acheived the results that William reported at 9-10 weeks.

"...withn 17 days of treatment I began to see noticeable growth of hair in the teated area (I had to write down what I noticed daily). The growth of hair has continued till today. I estimate that after 9-10 weeks of treatment I have about a 40% increase in the density of hair that I had previous to treatment with A & G Hair Complex..."

I myself am at the 9 week mark and have not seen any improvement or even reduction or change in hair shedding.

Is this the feedback that you expected at this point? You are very enthusiastic about your product and said that some of us would see results as early as three weeks. Therefore at this point I think there should be some more people seeing noticeable growth at 9-10 weeks. Unless there are some big changes to come in the next few weeks there will be many that will not be satisfied with one application. Many more than the percentage that required two applications in your study.

Having that said, do you feel that you may have overestimated the capabilities of your product?
I don't think I overestimated my product. People will respond differently to the HC, some will see fast results and some may not. Its true for any treatment. Also, you have to keep in mind that people who are around forums are more critical and not easily impressed. I have a feeling William may not be a member of any forum. Most of the people in the study inly used 1 treatment. Give yourself until week 12 and then decide if you will need a second round. Also, don't compare your progress with others, people respond differently. If I have to make a judgement on your progression, I will say you are among the norms.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:20 pm

goten574 wrote:Dr. AQ

In what ways could you make Hair Complex more effective without impacting the price to much?


Would you consider Hair Complex the best hair loss treatment to date excluding a hair transplant and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?
I think its still early to say if the HC is the best treatment out there. I think people should make the call. PRP was discussed extensively in while I was in Korea, I think the HC is better ad more effective option.
At this time I am not sure how we can improve it. I think we will go back to the table after a year and see if we can come up with a better version. We are currently working on the PG free HC, if the performance remain the same, we might consider switching.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by cld517 » Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:06 am

Dr, Aq i had thought that you just ingnored my question..

have you considered some sort of discount for repeat orders? maybe 25% or something like that?

but you finally addressed it with this reply..

I regards to second round discount, I will discuss it with Sam and see if there is a way we can get a number of member who will be interested in a second round. It will be easy for me to justify a discount when there is a volume involved (whole sale price).

Personally i feel others would be much more apt to do a second round with a discount..i'm aware that there was a 10% discount at point, but in all honesty i dont think a $20 discount is going to make one say "hey!! $180 instead of $200!!?? i'm in!! what a deal!" at least not for me..

now a 25% discount? i definitely be more inclined a give a second round a go..

i hope that you take into consideration that, like myself everyone here ordered based upon your word even in the absence of quality pics or real data, & the fact that you're here answering questions & taking some abuse..

so how likely is it that you'd be willing to offer such a discount as i suggested above as well as weeks ago? i hope that the "volume of order", if that is what is going to be the deciding factor will based upon everyone as a whole rather than each individual having to oreder more than one kit....

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by p__ » Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:01 pm

Dr.AQ wrote:I am not going to kill the messenger !! I am just going to give him some hair :D
:D :D :D I have yet to see any results, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Dr.AQ wrote:The address and exact location of our lab and manufacturing facilities is not important.
Well, although I share that opionion with you, others don't. I know they'll be a bit disappointed that you aren't able to answer that rather simple question. :|

Could you at least verify that you own the lab and the manufacturing facilities being used to produce the AGHC?
Dr.AQ wrote:I wonder if they knew where is minox and other products are manufactured.
Hardly. Then again, minox is a proven drug, has been around for ages and is backed by lots of publicly available, independent, high-quality research and sold by very well known suppliers. It is also FDA approved. People are thereby not going to be that suspicious about it in general.
Just a heads-up: your address registered there is actually missing a "k". It says "Parview Lane". :) Not being american, I'm not sure what being on that list actually means, though.
Dr.AQ wrote:Ok, the concentration and dose dependency is two different things.
It would be great íf you could elaborate a bit on that! Is there a threshold of some sort? To me, it would seem that for a drug that is not dose dependent, concentration (and thus the amount of the active substance used) would be more or less inconsequential as long as a sufficent amount to produce the required effect is delivered.
Dr.AQ wrote:For the GFs to be effective, they will need to be manufactured on their native structures
Interesting! I would love some more detail about why! Isn't a given isoform of a certain GF the same no matter how it was produced? Is the crux that some isoforms are only produced if the culturing medium is of a certain (3D) type? I'm sorry if these questions are naïve. :-k
Dr.AQ wrote:Sorry to keep it short
I'm just glad you are answering at all! Thanks!

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Joanne » Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:30 pm

My original post has been up for a few days and anyone actively reading this thread has seen my comments. But maybe it was the wrong thread to post them in, so in the interest of not clogging it up with irrelevant stuff...
Last edited by Joanne on Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:36 pm

cld517 wrote:Dr, Aq i had thought that you just ingnored my question..

have you considered some sort of discount for repeat orders? maybe 25% or something like that?

but you finally addressed it with this reply..

I regards to second round discount, I will discuss it with Sam and see if there is a way we can get a number of member who will be interested in a second round. It will be easy for me to justify a discount when there is a volume involved (whole sale price).

Personally i feel others would be much more apt to do a second round with a discount..i'm aware that there was a 10% discount at point, but in all honesty i dont think a $20 discount is going to make one say "hey!! $180 instead of $200!!?? i'm in!! what a deal!" at least not for me..

now a 25% discount? i definitely be more inclined a give a second round a go..

i hope that you take into consideration that, like myself everyone here ordered based upon your word even in the absence of quality pics or real data, & the fact that you're here answering questions & taking some abuse..

so how likely is it that you'd be willing to offer such a discount as i suggested above as well as weeks ago? i hope that the "volume of order", if that is what is going to be the deciding factor will based upon everyone as a whole rather than each individual having to oreder more than one kit....
YES, 25% is reasonable, however, I still don't know how to go about it. I will ask our accounting department and see if they can refund $50 for everyone who had purchased the HC before (looking at sell records). This can be our June special !! will that work?? I am worried people will think I am bias and favor this forum. Give me sometime to think about it ! Promise

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:10 pm

p__ wrote:
Dr.AQ wrote:I am not going to kill the messenger !! I am just going to give him some hair :D
:D :D :D I have yet to see any results, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Dr.AQ wrote:The address and exact location of our lab and manufacturing facilities is not important.
Well, although I share that opionion with you, others don't. I know they'll be a bit disappointed that you aren't able to answer that rather simple question. :|

Could you at least verify that you own the lab and the manufacturing facilities being used to produce the AGHC?
Dr.AQ wrote:I wonder if they knew where is minox and other products are manufactured.
Hardly. Then again, minox is a proven drug, has been around for ages and is backed by lots of publicly available, independent, high-quality research and sold by very well known suppliers. It is also FDA approved. People are thereby not going to be that suspicious about it in general.
Just a heads-up: your address registered there is actually missing a "k". It says "Parview Lane". :) Not being american, I'm not sure what being on that list actually means, though.
Dr.AQ wrote:Ok, the concentration and dose dependency is two different things.
It would be great íf you could elaborate a bit on that! Is there a threshold of some sort? To me, it would seem that for a drug that is not dose dependent, concentration (and thus the amount of the active substance used) would be more or less inconsequential as long as a sufficent amount to produce the required effect is delivered.
Dr.AQ wrote:For the GFs to be effective, they will need to be manufactured on their native structures
Interesting! I would love some more detail about why! Isn't a given isoform of a certain GF the same no matter how it was produced? Is the crux that some isoforms are only produced if the culturing medium is of a certain (3D) type? I'm sorry if these questions are naïve. :-k
Dr.AQ wrote:Sorry to keep it short
I'm just glad you are answering at all! Thanks!
- Minox is produced by many companies and can be sold by many shady companies.
- Owning the lab or the manufacturing facility is not relevant to our products or technology. But if you must know, we are renting at this time. I guess no one is perfect !! We were considering an expansion this year, if it wasn't for the bad economy. :(
- To get an effective GFs you will need to produce it in the right way. It's like drinking fresh orange juice and orange flavored soda, they may taste the same and have the same color but they will never have the same Vitamin C in them. Even if you add artificial vitamin C in the soda it will still lack when it comes to absorption and effectiveness.
- No there is no threshold. when it comes to topical applications, you only need to cover the effected area.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:27 pm

Joanne wrote:
Dr.AQ wrote:Ok, the concentration and dose dependency is two different things.
It would be great íf you could elaborate a bit on that! Is there a threshold of some sort? To me, it would seem that for a drug that is not dose dependent, concentration (and thus the amount of the active substance used) would be more or less inconsequential as long as a sufficent amount to produce the required effect is delivered.

I don't want to sound like I'm defending the good doctor because I'm not...I still haven't used my HC and I'm thinking about calling and asking if I can exchange it for a bottle of the skin serum. I know it works and I like it, but I'm not sure about this product and haven't read anything all that encouraging (yet). The skin serum is expensive too and $400 for both is more than my budget can handle.

BUT ... it's important to remember there are only so many claims/explanations or answers Dr AQ can get into specifically and still sell this as a "cosmeceutical" instead of a drug. The language of the FDA is very precise. That's why wrinkle cream ads only say their product "reduces the APPEARANCE of wrinkles by 60%" instead of saying it "reduces wrinkles by 60%". A subjective claim...usually based on "user's observations", not hard clinical data and much easier to get away with.

A few carelessly chosen words on his part will trigger an investigation to determine if it should be classified as a drug and drugs have to be approved by the FDA. Which means all those Phase 1, 2 and 3 trials (if they can afford it) and a 5+ year wait.

He's never referred to it as a drug. Answering questions about how it works on a cellular/molecular level, dosages, etc... are going to draw the FDA's attention and he's probably smart enough to know that. Legally, he can't answer a lot of the questions here without implying HC is a drug and he doesn't have legal approval to do that.

(BTW P____, I know you're not American so you might not know how screwed up the FDA is, but if you're curious, check out the difficulty Anthelios/Mexoryl--a French patent-- had getting approved by the FDA...even after it became the #1 sunscreen in Europe and US dermatologists were recommending their patients buy it while overseas. L'Oreal wouldn't grease the FDA and they had to wait a long, long time.)

There are some good questions on this thread that Dr AQ should respond to, but pushing for answers on a pharmaceutical level--it makes no sense for him to go there. Any other hair loss product manufacturer could/would challenge his claims, bring in the FDA and shut him down. He must know that. And that's why (IMO) he just keeps repeating the same answer...HC improves scalp condition and therefore can help improve hair growth/regrowth.

We're all a little frustrated. This stuff isn't cheap. I bought it too. But it's not minox or fin or dut--all "supposed" FDA approved drugs for hair loss--so he can't explain the physiological mechanism for how it works without drawing the attention of the Feds. The FDA seal of approval means absolutely nothing more than the company trying to market the drug paid a lot of money to get it approved. It's a total joke, but not everybody has such deep pockets, so they have to be careful what they say.

Again ... not defending Dr AQ. His pitch for the HC was probably an over-promise. But some of the questions here are unreasonable considering HC is not claiming to be an FDA approved drug and he knows he'll get shut down if he goes into too much detail. JMHO. :?
Thank you..
please contact me if you want to exchange the HC for the Active serum. Please give it some thoughts before you make the decision.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by kamui » Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:26 pm

I would love that $50 discount since I bought a second HC a few days ago. :D

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by intricate1 » Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:42 am

kamui wrote:I would love that $50 discount since I bought a second HC a few days ago. :D
Kamui why are u buying this product again? What where your results? How severe is you mpb?
I'm having problems with crown, has any body filled their bald spot (vertex, crown) with HC COMPLEX?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by kamui » Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:50 am

I'm buying again cuz I didn't have any results with the first treatment, so I'm trying a second round. I too would LOVE some thickening on my crown. My mpb is not bad, just thinning on my crown. [-o<

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by cld517 » Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:14 am

dr, Aq you said:

YES, 25% is reasonable, however, I still don't know how to go about it. I will ask our accounting department and see if they can refund $50 for everyone who had purchased the HC before (looking at sell records). This can be our June special !! will that work?? I am worried people will think I am bias and favor this forum. Give me sometime to think about it ! Promise

that would be fine..but what i was referring to are repeat orders..a 25% discount for 2nd rounders..wouldnt that be easier? that would also take care of the "favortism" aspect...

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:23 am

cld517 wrote:dr, Aq you said:

YES, 25% is reasonable, however, I still don't know how to go about it. I will ask our accounting department and see if they can refund $50 for everyone who had purchased the HC before (looking at sell records). This can be our June special !! will that work?? I am worried people will think I am bias and favor this forum. Give me sometime to think about it ! Promise

that would be fine..but what i was referring to are repeat orders..a 25% discount for 2nd rounders..wouldnt that be easier? that would also take care of the "favortism" aspect...
I understand ! Let me run it by the accounting people and see what they think. I personally like the idea and think it will help people get a better result especially if their first treatment did not meet their expectation.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by driver52 » Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:21 am

Dr. AQ

The new pictures on your website state that the subject had excessive shedding and dandruff. By week 15 apparently the shedding stopped as well as the dandruff. At what point did this users shedding reduce the most dramatically? Was it closer to the beginning or right at the 15 week period?

My case is similar to the subjects but at week 9 i still lose 50+ hairs in the shower and after a shower I have some little white specks of scalp in my hair.
I would be happy with just stopping my hairloss..and at 70% reduction with your trials that should be something that I was hoping to be experiencing by now.

Also what can you tell us about the advantages of using the complex again? Should results come sooner with the second application? Did the trialist who did this mostly experience results..regrowth?

Im a bit weary of paying money for another application since this first does not seem to be doing anything and I dont want to double my losses.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Phil007 » Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:07 pm

hi doc,

i am impatient and want to make sure that the HC works, therefore i want to do a second treatment. my question is, if i already know that i want to apply 2 treatments(no matter what the first application could show), would it be better to have a break after the first application or is it more recommended to continue the second treatment directly after the first?

ok thank you

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by 1..... » Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:12 pm

Dr. AQ,

I was wondering if there was a way to make this a daily or every other day treatment by lowering the concentration of the HC. I feel like my scalp got healthier after using the HC which allowed some regrowth to happen. But then my scalp condition went back to normal at about 6 or 7 weeks. I am using my 2nd treatment as you kno, and if the same thing happens again and by scalp only stays healthy for 6-7 weeks then I will have to try the caregen product that is a GF that is a daily treatment. Let me know if you would consider this idea and if you have already considered it, what are your reasons for you thinking that it will not work.


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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Jacob » Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:56 pm

That question/suggestion was already asked/made 1...... Check a few pages back.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:04 pm

driver52 wrote:Dr. AQ

The new pictures on your website state that the subject had excessive shedding and dandruff. By week 15 apparently the shedding stopped as well as the dandruff. At what point did this users shedding reduce the most dramatically? Was it closer to the beginning or right at the 15 week period?

My case is similar to the subjects but at week 9 i still lose 50+ hairs in the shower and after a shower I have some little white specks of scalp in my hair.
I would be happy with just stopping my hairloss..and at 70% reduction with your trials that should be something that I was hoping to be experiencing by now.

Also what can you tell us about the advantages of using the complex again? Should results come sooner with the second application? Did the trialist who did this mostly experience results..regrowth?

Im a bit weary of paying money for another application since this first does not seem to be doing anything and I dont want to double my losses.
Before going for the second round, i suggest you wait and see your progress. You need to give your scalp and follicles sometime to recover. Sometimes you will need a longer course of the HC to get your follicles stimulated. remember results depend on the follicle and scalp condition. There is no formula, just give it sometime and see what happens. We are considering 25% discount for second round user, my fear is that this will encourage people to do a second round without the need for it. Will the second round help, yes, i think it will but its a better idea if you would use the second round as a boost shot later if you see slight reduction in your hair volume. Its been over a year for me and things looks good. I do want to do a second treatment but honestly I don't see the need for it at least at this time.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:26 pm

Phil007 wrote:hi doc,

i am impatient and want to make sure that the HC works, therefore i want to do a second treatment. my question is, if i already know that i want to apply 2 treatments(no matter what the first application could show), would it be better to have a break after the first application or is it more recommended to continue the second treatment directly after the first?

ok thank you
If you must use 2 treatments, then link them together, this will give you more stimulation. Remember your existing hair might start growing faster than usual. Be prepare for it and don't panic.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by p__ » Wed Jun 10, 2009 4:33 am

Dr.AQ wrote:Before going for the second round, i suggest you wait and see your progress. You need to give your scalp and follicles sometime to recover.
Dr.AQ wrote:If you must use 2 treatments, then link them together, this will give you more stimulation.
:? :-s :-k

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by goten574 » Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:20 am

p__ wrote:
Dr.AQ wrote:Before going for the second round, i suggest you wait and see your progress. You need to give your scalp and follicles sometime to recover.
Dr.AQ wrote:If you must use 2 treatments, then link them together, this will give you more stimulation.
:? :-s :-k
I was thinking that too. The two sentences contradict each other.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Swimmy » Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:55 pm

They don't contradict. Hes making a suggestion to buy two batches. Thats 10 vials. So you use them consecutively. One for every other day until you are out.

However, if you are weeks in after you took the first batch then wait a few months before starting the 2nd round.

No contradiction. But it could have been more easily clarified.

Edit: He said if you MUST use two treatments....on top of that.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by intricate1 » Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:18 am

Swimmy wrote:They don't contradict. Hes making a suggestion to buy two batches. Thats 10 vials. So you use them consecutively. One for every other day until you are out.

However, if you are weeks in after you took the first batch then wait a few months before starting the 2nd round.

No contradiction. But it could have been more easily clarified.

Edit: He said if you MUST use two treatments....on top of that.
Thanks swimmy that was what I wanted to clarify too. I just dont see why people are always on the doc's back for no reason. By the way how are your results so far any shed or tingle?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by goten574 » Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:01 am

intricate1 wrote:
Swimmy wrote:They don't contradict. Hes making a suggestion to buy two batches. Thats 10 vials. So you use them consecutively. One for every other day until you are out.

However, if you are weeks in after you took the first batch then wait a few months before starting the 2nd round.

No contradiction. But it could have been more easily clarified.

Edit: He said if you MUST use two treatments....on top of that.
Thanks swimmy that was what I wanted to clarify too. I just dont see why people are always on the doc's back for no reason. By the way how are your results so far any shed or tingle?
I hope you aren't suggesting that I'm always on the docs back because I'm not. I read the two sentences as contradiction and was agreeing with P___. Now Swimmy has explained, I understand now. Although I'm not on the docs back, I am not very happy with his claims, he simply has nothing to back them up with. There is no evidence here or on their website that Hair Complex works anywhere near as good as what was said in March. Back to Q&A now...

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Swimmy » Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:38 am

Haven't started yet. Will in a week or two.

I have vellus hairs growing on my hairline. From only taking herbal supplements lik Biotin and some saw palmetto for a few weeks. Money is a little tight so I'm working with what I have for now for this month before I jump into better treatments. With results from only that I am expecting to see something from this treatment.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by p__ » Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:14 am

Swimmy wrote:They don't contradict. Hes making a suggestion to buy two batches. Thats 10 vials. So you use them consecutively. One for every other day until you are out.
However, if you are weeks in after you took the first batch then wait a few months before starting the 2nd round.
I still think it seems contradictory. Why would waiting 8 weeks between batches be better than, say 4 weeks, when 0 weeks is best according to the first statement? (Swimmy, please don't answer here, PM me or do it in another thread if you want to answer). I would be grateful for a clarification from Dr AQ!
intricate1 wrote:I just dont see why people are always on the doc's back for no reason.
We are asking questions because this is a Q & A thread directed at Dr AQ and because he is selling an expensive product with some remarkable claims. Asking questions is not being on someone's back as long as the questions are respectful and non-accusatory, which they have been for the most part.

Guys, as much as I appreciate your input, this is a Q&A thread. Please let the doc answer for himself and take the discussion and opinions to another thread! The point of this thread is to be able to easily see what the doc himself officially has answered to a bunch of questions and to be able to ask him questions directly without getting lost in debates or other peoples thoughts! Don't get me wrong, I am certainly not the forum police and you have every right to express your opinion and discuss matters freely. But I kindly request you do it in the other thread, start a new thread or use the PM feature. At some point, I think someone is meant to compile the answers from this thread into a separate page. Please don't make his job harder! And think of all the people searching for info straight from Dr AQ in this thread!

Dr AQ, do you think you could give a more detailed answer to the growth factor question, if you have the time? Just in general terms, not necessarily in relation to the AGHC. The last answer was a little brief and rather simplified if you don't mind my saying so! :) Are there certain isoforms which only appear when growth factors are cultivated in 3d? Or does the difference lie somewhere else?

(mods: feel free to delete parts of this post along with any other posts of mine in this thread that are not directly related to the Q&A once the others have had a chance to see what I wrote)

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