Lipoxidil product update

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Lipoxidil product update

Post by James » Thu Apr 28, 2005 11:50 am

I have been using the minoxidil 5% Sensitive topical from for a couple of weeks now and I just wanted to give an update. In my crown is where I get folliculitis which are these painful pimple like bumps which is caused by an inflammation of the hair follicle. I have been using Dr. Lee's PG free minoxidil of the first frontal part of my head all the way to the crown where I then use the Minox Sensitive. I can say is the when I use regular minox in this area, the folliculits would spread and be really painful to the touch and even when not touching it. When I use the minox sensitive, the irritations is DRASTICALLY less maybe even none because even when not using topicals I still have some folliculitis. In conclusion, minoxidil sensitive 5% has been working out for me nicely.

The negatives about this product is that it is a gel which makes it hard to apply and if you get too much in the hair then when it dries it leaves a dandruff looking residue. It is also expensive and comes in a small bottle.

I no longer use the Inflamil because they changed the formulation and is now too harsh on my scalp. The earlier version was great though.

I will update in a few weeks and report if everything is still going good. I know one thing though. WHEN MY SCALP FEELS GOOD I FEEL GOOD!

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Post by » Mon May 16, 2005 9:30 pm

Hey blueshard,

Are you still using the Lipoxidil? If so how's your scalp since your last update?


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