jpd......are you there? I need your advice on Broccomax

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jpd......are you there? I need your advice on Broccomax

Post by dr185 » Sat Sep 05, 2009 7:53 am

Hey jpd......sorry to see you've left a certain other site. I was away from the net for almost 4 weeks, and on my return I discovered some big changes! I haven't really bothered with forums for a while.

I remember you saying that Broccomax helped you with allergies? I don't have allergies as such....but I do suffer with food intolerances. For a few years now I've been having sinus problems, which have occasionally escalated to full blown infections.

The doctor i saw understandably concentrated on the sinus area....however I am fairly sure that the headaches and blocked airways are as a result of food intolerances. I get these problems at the same time everyday....about 1 hr 30mins after eating lunch (sometimes sooner). This is my biggest meal of the day. It's provided at work for free. I'm in Thailand, so I know they are heavy handed with the MSG......that stuff I know for sure gives me migranes.

I keep it simple...rice, chicken, salad and veg etc.......avoiding sauces that prob contain MSG and refined sugar...but i just can't seem to avoid the headaches and sinus pressure? It feels like mild flu.....which then passes by early evening (unless I eat another big meal!).

It's really getting me down..I did feel that a couple of teaspoons of ACV in water before eating was helping somewhat....but those benifits have subsided. So do you think that Broccomax or an equiv would help? I do suffer mild allergies....for example I can't go to cinemas with cloth and eyes start itching very quickly. At the moment only peusdoephidrine alleviates my sinus symptoms....but I hate the slighly 'wired' feeling it creates.

I'm glad to have found you on this site....I hope you have the time to reply....thanks!

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Re: jpd......are you there? I need your advice on Broccomax

Post by hapyman » Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:04 am

I'm in Thailand, so I know they are heavy handed with the MSG......that stuff I know for sure gives me migranes.
Sorry for stepping in for JDP but this quote from you stuck out to me. Recently I saw that a reaction to MSG is indicative of a Vitamin B6 (P5P) deficiency. Not surprisingly B vitamins play an important loss in hair loss by preventing hypomethylation. B vitamins help to neutralize homocysteine, which has been partially linked in high amounts to those with MPB. I haven't started yet but I am considering adding an activated vitamin B complex to combat this. A good place to start would be to try and activated B complex like this, probably once or twice a day:

[url= ... lActivated B-Complex High Bioavailability[/url]

It will take close to 6 weeks to see if it is working but you may be able to tell sooner.

As far as Broccomax is concerned that stuff is great and it is definitely worth a try. I try to take it every day and my allergies are much more under control when I do take it.

Hope this helps.

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Re: jpd......are you there? I need your advice on Broccomax

Post by jdp710 » Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:43 pm

Thanks hapyman. Much appreciated :D

Hey dr185,

Nice to see on this site. As hapyman mentioned Sulforaphane Glucosinolate, the active ingredient in Broccomax is amazing stuff based on the studies for allergies, asthma, COPD and fight H Pylori (peptic ulcers).

IME, Broccomax is amazing, well, I should actually say "THE" best thing I've found for allergies and H Pylori.

As hapyman mentioned, it's worth a shot to try it out on sinus problems.

You can also look into NAC as well if Broccomax doesn't work for you. ... s/135?at=1

hope this helps and good luck

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Re: jpd......are you there? I need your advice on Broccomax

Post by Anxious1 » Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:54 pm


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Re: jpd......are you there? I need your advice on Broccomax

Post by jksl » Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:29 pm

One of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue is an increase in allergies and food intolerances. Happened to me. Upping your dosage of vitamin C spread throughout the day will help.

Also, as hapyman mentioned, it is a sign of vitamin b6 deficiency and possibly zinc as well. As for the MSG issue, take some taurine to deal with the MSG toxicity. Sometimes i get nasty headaches from MSG as well to the point where i think that it must be causing some serious brain damage. I won't eat at Chinese restaurants for this reason.

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Re: jpd......are you there? I need your advice on Broccomax

Post by dr185 » Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:51 am

Hey guys....thanks so much for the's really appreciated.

hapyman....good to hear from you......I take a soluble berroca tab in the mornings which is a high Vit B and C supp....later in the day I also take a zinc tab which also has alot of B6 in I don't think I'm deficient....but who knows.

I've got my hands on some Braggs ACV (it's quite hard to find out here) and a couple of teaspoons before food seems to be helping with the food intolerances a bit. However I still get some sinus issues....which once again has turned into a bacterial infection currently. Just can't seem to shake it off.

Hey jpd thanks for the advice....I'm very glad to have tracked you down at last.......I've done a bit of reading on NAC and it sounds perfect. I may give that a try before Broccomax since it seems more designed for sinus' .....even freeing up thickened mucous.

jksl....your def right....vit c does help alot. At present it's the only thing keeping me sane. However I have to take up to 6000mg a throughout the day to keep the symptoms at bay. If go without for a day the sinus pain and malaise return with avengance. I will look into Taurine....if it's an acid, maybe ACV is having a similar effect for me with regard to MSG?

There's more to this than a simple food intolerance....however this amplifies the problem and causes sinus blockages, which in turn could be stopping mucous from draining and aloowing bacteria to develope.

I smoke....and I know i have to give up to begin dealing with this...I only have 5 a day, no more....but combined with living in smoggy city...I'm sure it also amplifies the problem. I was on antibiotics for 4 weeks in July, helped somewhat, but once I stopped it came back again. This time I refuse to take meds's been dangerously frequent for me over the past year....can't have done me any good.

Incidently I've also tried taking Del-immune, general pro and pre biotics.....and most recently Colostrum, since it apparently strengthens the immune system, in particular the mucus membrane regions.

I think NAC is next on the list.......I'm just praying it will help.

Thanks again guys

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Re: jpd......are you there? I need your advice on Broccomax

Post by hapyman » Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:24 am

jksl....your def right....vit c does help alot. At present it's the only thing keeping me sane. However I have to take up to 6000mg a throughout the day to keep the symptoms at bay. If go without for a day the sinus pain and malaise return with avengance. I will look into Taurine....if it's an acid, maybe ACV is having a similar effect for me with regard to MSG?
You can keep increasing the amount of Vitamin C you take until you start having effects such as diarrhea. This is usually when you hit the upper amount of Vitamin C you need. I have taken as much as 16grams per day. Everyone is different though.
hapyman....good to hear from you......I take a soluble berroca tab in the mornings which is a high Vit B and C supp....later in the day I also take a zinc tab which also has alot of B6 in I don't think I'm deficient....but who knows.
No prob. You may want to check your source of B6. You will want a good activated form. What does the back of your bottle say and how many mg? I see that for people trying to correct a Vitamin B6 deficiency they take up to 50mg 3 X per day for up to 6 weeks. But NAC, in my opinion,will definitely be a win for you. It is great to take if you are in areas that have a lot of air pollution too. May be best to try and kick the cigarettes too. But easier said than done right? :D

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Re: jpd......are you there? I need your advice on Broccomax

Post by dr185 » Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:37 pm

Cheers for the advice hapyman.........sometimes I've gone up to 8grams of Vit C in a day.........never had diarrhea with tho, so maybe I can up it a bit more....then taper it back a bit if the I get an upset stomach. It's quite expensive keeping healthy!

The vit b complex is a good brand with very high bio available content....all B vits come as at least 500% RDA, I also take a multi vit with 5o mg of B6 and later a zinc which also has 50mg b6.

I will do my best to stop smoking......but it's def the hardest thing I've ever tried to stop :(

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Re: jpd......are you there? I need your advice on Broccomax

Post by dr185 » Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:01 pm

Incidently......I've read that NAC is also a heavy metal chelator....which can only be a good thing i suppose......however, should I expect to 'feel worse before I feel better?' .....I've heard this regarding chelation.

I would imagine I need to up my intake of zinc, magnesium, copper and iron whilst taking NAC? Anything else I should know?


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Re: jpd......are you there? I need your advice on Broccomax

Post by dr185 » Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:48 pm

oh 1 more thing.........I just found some info on Xlear, a nasal spray with Xylitol and GFSE. Has anyone had any experience with this product? It' s cheap so I may give it a try....clears blockages, bacteria and fungi it may help.

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Re: jpd......are you there? I need your advice on Broccomax

Post by hapyman » Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:48 pm

dr185 wrote:Incidently......I've read that NAC is also a heavy metal chelator....which can only be a good thing i suppose......however, should I expect to 'feel worse before I feel better?' .....I've heard this regarding chelation.

I would imagine I need to up my intake of zinc, magnesium, copper and iron whilst taking NAC? Anything else I should know?
Some people do experience a herxheimer reaction when chelating but it depends. Not everything causes this though and I am unaware if NAC will. I take humifulvate for the same purpose and it is pretty gentle and effective.

Also I wouldn't necessarily increase iron intake. Most people get enough from their diet and incidentally those with MPB often show high levels of iron. I would get iron levels tested before messing around with it. Zinc and magnesium are relatively safe to take though.
dr185 wrote:oh 1 more thing.........I just found some info on Xlear, a nasal spray with Xylitol and GFSE. Has anyone had any experience with this product? It' s cheap so I may give it a try....clears blockages, bacteria and fungi it may help.
dr185 wrote:oh 1 more thing.........I just found some info on Xlear, a nasal spray with Xylitol and GFSE. Has anyone had any experience with this product? It' s cheap so I may give it a try....clears blockages, bacteria and fungi it may help.
I used a similar product made by nutribiotic. It was ascorbic acid, GFSE, saline and a little glycerin. It worked really well. A lot of chronic sinus problems are cause by fungi including some that are allergy related.

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Re: jpd......are you there? I need your advice on Broccomax

Post by dr185 » Sun Sep 13, 2009 11:27 pm

Cheers hapyman......... I may just try NAC without increasing metal intake (I already take zinc and transdermal mag, so i'm probably ok).

Yeah I saw the nutribiotic nasal spray, but decided to make my own....with saline and a few drops of hasn't helped any more than normal saline though. However xlear also has Xylitol, a known anti fungal/bacterial sugar alcohol. I've ordered it now, so i hope it helps in some way.

Thanks again hapyman

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