LLLT can be more powerful than you think

Discuss the use of laser therapy for fighting hair loss. If you're using a purchased device, or a laserbrush or helmet that you've made yourself, discuss it here.

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Treatment Regimen: 5% minoxidil regaine twice daily
resveramix tablets twice daily
Greenridge Multivital 10ml daily
vlasyproject 5X(54 laser unit) 20 minutes daily

LLLT can be more powerful than you think

Post by hairchasernebyl » Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:43 pm

Hey guys. LLLT is a major part of my hair loss fight. I've had amazing results and so I think it is time I shared it with you. You may think the dht blockers I use are useless and that all my regrowth is because of minox but that simply isn't true, Trust me I've tried taking out LLLT out of my regime and every time I do my hair recedes again. I am a vlasyproject team member, But I'm here as an individual with MPB that got amazing regrowth! I just want people to get the chance to see what is possible when you have a hair loss regime that is truly powerful. To be honest I think that people look at it the wrong way. I would credit my regrowth mainly to minox and LLLT, they both supercharge each others effectiveness. The dht blockers I use simply clear the path for this great combination to do the main work! I have tried to take out every component of my regime and it fails every time. You need all 3 components! 5% minox+dht blocking+LLLT. BTW you have to cut your hair short, LLLT is light and hair blocks light, too many people mess this part up.

I've attached my initial results (these are the same pics I have on my website btw), I have more documentation on my blog. I'm 22 years old and my hair loss is extremely aggressive(started at 17). I've seen people get results with the very minimal laser exposure to the scalp, this only works if you have extremely mild and non-aggressive hair loss. For people like me you need some serious output and great coverage.


My hair loss regimen is on my blog, I don't have a contract with any of the the other products I mention or anything, It just happens to be exactly what I do to get the regrowth that you see. (btw the resveramix tablets I take is just a resveratrol supplement, any brand will do. the other supplement I take is loaded with mild dht blockers, mainly saw palmetto, nettle, gingko, ginseng, gotu kola and astragalus.
Let me know what you guys think. I'm updating my blog every week with new pics to show you how my hair is progressing. It's still going, I believe I will make it all the way to NW1.
before and after.jpg
before and after.jpg (110.8 KiB) Viewed 16988 times

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Re: LLLT can be more powerful than you think

Post by Jacob » Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:29 pm

Welcome to HLF. What is the time frame there for the before/after?

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Treatment Regimen: 5% minoxidil regaine twice daily
resveramix tablets twice daily
Greenridge Multivital 10ml daily
vlasyproject 5X(54 laser unit) 20 minutes daily

Re: LLLT can be more powerful than you think

Post by hairchasernebyl » Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:02 pm

Hi Jacob

Thanks. These pics were taken 8 weeks apart. I know that sounds ridiculous but it's true. I've been constantly regrowing and receding my hair over the last 5 years so my hair loss never got the chance to go to completion. And since my hair density was good at least twice a year I really only had to recover from a 6 month loss. But recently I've been regaining hair follicles that have been dormant for about 4 years. I honesty think that you can regrow hair no matter how long it has been dormant, all it takes is patience.

Not sure if you've checked out my blog. week 0 on the blog started about 2 months after the 'after' pic you see above. That is how quickly my hair recedes if I don' do anything about it (I went on vacation and ditched my whole regime). This sounds stupid but when you know you can regrow your hair whenever you want you get very complacent so I no longer freak out when my hair recedes. That is why I feel confident saying that my hair loss regime works, because most people with the same severity/aggressiveness of hair loss as me have never really been able to do anything about it.

The worst part about all this is, LLLT has been around for decades, minox has been around for decades, and heaps of the dht blockers I use are herbal extracts so that was also available to some extent for several decades. So people could have been effectively combating their hair ages ago, many just didn't and still don't know about it.

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Re: LLLT can be more powerful than you think

Post by Jacob » Sun Aug 10, 2014 4:58 pm

I was going to ask why not a helmet-like device..but I see you're working on that.

I'm not crazy about the pictures(got any close-ups etc?)..but anyone will tell you I hate pics..not too many out there I'd agree that you could say for sure it's regrowth.

I also noticed some here "selling" the same thing/ideas..which isn't good: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/interact/sh ... !!!!/page2 Haven't checked any of the other forums.

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Treatment Regimen: 5% minoxidil regaine twice daily
resveramix tablets twice daily
Greenridge Multivital 10ml daily
vlasyproject 5X(54 laser unit) 20 minutes daily

Re: LLLT can be more powerful than you think

Post by hairchasernebyl » Wed Aug 13, 2014 11:44 pm


Yeah I know exactly what you mean. I hate most b/a pics out there. They change the lighting, hair length etc. That's why I took the b/a pics with the same hair length and lighting. The ones I posted up on this forum aren't high resolution. You can check out the full resolution pics on the website: http://www.vlasyproject.com

by the way, I started that thread on hairlosstalk.com , so no issues there, It's me. But it doesn't matter now, the thread was deleted. Honestly too many idiots on that forum that can't approach a new concept with nay conceptual thinking.

I'm not trying to sell my product, I'm making it available to those that want to combat their hair loss the way I do. It would kind of suck if I told people about this great hair loss regime and I was the only one that had a laser product that could do the job.

I'll be posting videos on youtube soon so people can see that I have hair for real, I'd imagine that it would be a lot harder to fake a video than pics.

future is with LLLT
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Hair Loss Type: Androgenetic Alopecia (Male Pattern Baldness)
Norwood Level: Norwood VII
Have you had a hair transplant?: No
Treatment Regimen: 5% minoxidil 2 times daily plus 20 minutes LLLT full head device with 378 made by myself as I am an electronic engineer.

Re: LLLT can be more powerful than you think

Post by future is with LLLT » Sun Dec 14, 2014 3:13 pm

Long time no see - do you still make progress to date?

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