Researching laser treatment variations for blondes. Need info from past/present blonde users

Discuss the use of laser therapy for fighting hair loss. If you're using a purchased device, or a laserbrush or helmet that you've made yourself, discuss it here.

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general zod
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Researching laser treatment variations for blondes. Need info from past/present blonde users

Post by general zod » Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:24 am


Would like to collect some info from any blondes using lasers. In particular, would be grateful for an update from the likes of Dr185, Destro, Norweigen Kid and Never Quit who posted on a thread on back in June last year entitled 'calling blonde hair laser users' (I know some people have migrated over here now). I'd be interested to see if there's a pattern in terms of people's responses (even if it's only 'It didn't work!').

I am researching and compiling a list of questions with particular regard to variation of treatment times/wavelengths/complimentary treatments for blonde users. I'm also compiling a list of lllt specialists (not just in the field of hair loss) to target those questions at.

Could you let me know;

- Age

- Gender

- Desciption of loss prior to treatment (I don't do the norwood scale!)

- How long you've been using lasers

- Treatment protocol (time per session/treatments per week)

- Number of diodes used

- mW/nm per diode

- Are diodes focused or unfocused

- Treatments used specifically in conjunction with/to enhance laser treatment

- Additional treatments used seperately

- Any changes in treatment protocol and time frames (state when changes were introduced)

- A summary of the effects following initial treatment protocol and impact of any changes to protocol (again with time frames)

- Any additional info you feel is relevant

I'd be very grateful to anyone who contributes and I will of course post my findings as soon as I've written them up.

Thanks all,


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Re: Researching laser treatment variations for blondes. Need info from past/present blonde users

Post by perga » Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:34 am

I am 26, blonde, lasering for a long time... probably like 18 months. maybe 160 diodes in 2 spots for 20 minutes 3 times a week.

As I said several times before, I think lasers are a good adjunct treatment. There is no doubt that my scalp feels better after a laser session.

That said, there is no way in hell lasers are going to keep your hair by themselves, I don't care what color hair you have. And anyone claiming to be cured or to have astounding regrowth from lasers ONLY is full of it. What I noticed after using lasers in the beginning was shedding, but the hairs that I shed quite often had huge nasty yellowish lumps on the bottoms (built up sebum). That no longer happens, and I would feel comfortable attributing that to lasers.

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Re: Researching laser treatment variations for blondes. Need info from past/present blonde users

Post by qwerty4102003 » Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:16 am

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Desciption of loss prior to treatment (I don't do the norwood scale!): I've always had a high hairline and very thin hair. I noticed one little spot on my hairline that looked like it was thinning and also have a spot of gray hair coming in.

How long you've been using lasers" approx 8 months

Treatment protocol (time per session/treatments per week): at first I was doing 20mins 3x a I do it only 2x a week.

Number of diodes used: currently the process of making a 150-180 laser helmet (helmet bought by OMG)

mW/nm per diode: aixiz laers mentioned on OMG site - I believe they are 650

Are diodes focused or unfocused: not sure which is which, but they are the ones that are the direct lasers (with lense cap on)

Treatments used specifically in conjunction with/to enhance laser treatment: mag oil

Additional treatments used seperately: I use Rogaine and take Saw Palmetto. I stopped Rogaine for a month or so and started a shed.

Any changes in treatment protocol and time frames (state when changes were introduced): I started Saw Palmetto approx 4 months into treatment

A summary of the effects following initial treatment protocol and impact of any changes to protocol (again with time frames): I havent really noticed that spot fill in, but many gray hairs did turn back to my normal hair color. My wife was able to see actual hairs when they turned from gray to blone.

Any additional info you feel is relevant: I've been lucky thus far to never have any really bad sheds. Between hairwashing and styling, I notice losing approximately 10-15 hairs a day, which has been consistent since my teens.

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Treatment Regimen: an OMG 228

Re: Researching laser treatment variations for blondes. Need info from past/present blonde users

Post by tootall » Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:32 pm

dirty blonde
been using a 230 diode omg built unit since last july
started at 3x a week @20 mins but went to 2x @15 mins due to fear of over stimulation
use clay before treatment
prob a nw 2.5 diffuse in nw 4
Niz 2x a week
minox 12.5%, which ive tried to cut back on, which may have contributed to my shed

Scalp itch improved significantly
Started off getting a bunch of little hairs in the temple, and thought i was on the right track until a couple months ago when things got pretty bad. I think i went through a shed, hopefully getting rid of already dying hairs. I have a ton of vellus hairs in the temples that im hoping will go terminal.

What worries me:
my hair is probably as thin as ever overall, i have a ton vellus hairs in the temple, but its hard to tell if they're vellus hairs coming in or my old hairs miniaturizing. Im going to keep lasering for at least a year until i determine whether or not its working.

i'll try and post pics soon.

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Treatment Regimen: 370 diode laser helmet, spectral DNC, GFSE topically

Re: Researching laser treatment variations for blondes. Need info from past/present blonde users

Post by dr185 » Tue Feb 02, 2010 4:09 am

hey general zod
Sorry for the delay in replying.......I don't visit forums so much these days (since there is very little in the way of exciting new developements)

I have no positive news to tell I'm afraid.

I was using a 60 diode handheld for about 5 months (sorry I'm a bit vague on exact timescales). It had standard 5mw 650 nm focused diodes. I initially felt my hair was thickening up but after about 3 months I realised my hair was behaving as normal and the loss continues.

Then moved up to a 300 diode helmet using the same diodes but unfocused. Continued with this for another 7 months or so (following normal usage protocol). Absolutely no gains at all from this. I stopped using it a couple of months ago.....i had no shed as a result of stopping treatment.

Having given my scalp a break from this I have now returned to my handheld (I believe focused is better....just my gut feeling). But it's too soon to tell if it will do any good..........I'm very doubtful......but I made the damn thing so I will continue.

I'm a norwood 2 with diffuse thinning (and platinum blonde hair...of course).....16 years of loss but still got just a bit thinly spread now.

Due to recent financial and relationship pressures my hair loss has really accelerated........I totally attribute this to stress.

I have been using minox 15% for about half of the time I was lasering (still am)..........again no gains.......but no sheds either (so why am I still using it!?). I dabbled with Spectral RS (no minox in this formula) for 3 months.....again no gains at all from this. I still use GFSE in my shampoo at times....and use magnesium spray ( I sometimes put it on my scalp after lasering....I'm sure a get a good hair day following that but I could be imagining things!?).

Now I'm lasering for about 5-7 minutes only per zone, 5 zones covered per session. When I had some moderate gains at the start of lasering I'm sure I never went as long as 20mins per area.......too boring when you have to move it around so many times. I really think that a lower time can still be beneficial....especially if using focused diodes.

Sorry I have answered all questions....but I think I've covered the important stuff!?

general zod
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Re: Researching laser treatment variations for blondes. Need info from past/present blonde users

Post by general zod » Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:18 am

Thanks for your responses, guys. I appreciate it. I'll be following up on this as soon as I can.

Dr. Watt
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Re: Researching laser treatment variations for blondes. Need info from past/present blonde users

Post by Dr. Watt » Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:34 pm

It has been a while since I posted. 11 months complete now since starting my 300 diode OMG helmet.

Sadly, no progress. I started using 3 x 20 min sessions. At 4 months experienced a horrible shed. Since then I have cut down my times gradually to 12 mins x 2 days a week. Loss stabilized at that point. However loss continues.

Sadly, if lasers are beneficial, there is an aspect of it I am missing.

I will traverse the threads here quickly but having lost my belief in this particular form of laser techniques, I doubt I will be here more than every couple of months to post until I eventually stop lasering at 15 minutes if the lack of results continue.

Dr. Watt

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