Discuss the use of laser therapy for fighting hair loss. If you're using a purchased device, or a laserbrush or helmet that you've made yourself, discuss it here.

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Post by hairless » Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:45 pm

I have been using the low level laser helmet at home for 8 weeks at 20 minutes three times a week. I have dark hair and light skin. I have lost a lot of hair on my crown, hairline and back. I am so nervous I have overstimulated. Is it best to stop? Slow down? Please someone help me out

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Post by Hairy Dawgs » Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:15 pm

I'm in the same boat, only been using LLLT for a few weeks now. From what i've been reading, it's normal to go through a shed about 1.5-2months in. Make sure you're topped off on mag oil and nutrients and washing your scalp. Try and keep the skin as healthy as possible. Try emu oil, as well. That promotes cellular growth but I did hear of one guy say it caused him to shed a bit, so he stopped. Everyone else has been raving about it. But most importantly, try to relax and gut it out. From what I understand, this a process of making your existing hair healthy and I would bet your hair is stimulated, sheds the hair and grows new, healthy hair in it's place but it takes a while for the new hair to come up and be seen. Relax and breathe, you're not the first person this has happened to and many have come back with great stories of growth down the road.

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Post by Hairy Dawgs » Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:21 pm

Now, if you're calm, look at what you're doing with LLLT. Does your skin feel sunburnt after you're finished or does your hair feel "sore"? Sunburnt is bad but sore is good. It's pretty easy to tell the difference, once you know what the difference is. You know the stiff, achy feeling you get after you've lifted weights? That's what I would equate with sore. Sunburned is well, sunburned. I haven't experienced that one from LLLT...

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Post by 1..... » Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:14 pm

I would recommend using clay before lasering. It makes a HUGE difference. You can finally feel the simulation that LLLT is all about. I am finally getting sore and I am seeing the red pimples all over my scalp which JDP says results into regrowth. Not to mention that my shedding is very very very little now.

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Post by hairless » Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:15 pm

It does not feel like a sunburn and my scalp is white. It feels like... plumped up after I laser. You know? So you think IF I was overstimulated I would be burnt like? Its good to know people go through this and have good outcomes.

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Post by N0rwgnKid » Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:08 am

IME the "sunburn" is the feeling of a mildly itchy and burned scalp that hurts a bit when touched during the hours after lasering. It didnt feel right. The soreness we aim for is IME the feeling of having a tight band wrapped around your head where the scalp muscles are located, the frontalis in the front, the temporalis on the sided and occipits in the back. IME this tight band feelind dissappears after a couple of hours.

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Post by Hairy Dawgs » Fri Sep 11, 2009 5:47 am

Norweigan: I've had the mildly ithy feeling but never felt sunburned. The itchy usually came the next day but never directly afterwards and was never overly itchy, meaning that I notice it, scratch and forget it for hours and it never feels uncomfortable. Is that overstimulation? Seems like there is a fine gray line.

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Post by hairless » Fri Sep 11, 2009 5:57 am

So if there has been over stimulation should I just cut down the use to 2x a week for 15 minutes or is it more beneficial to stop? I am confused and at a critical point. I cant afford to loose even a little more.

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Post by Hairy Dawgs » Fri Sep 11, 2009 6:15 am

I would simply cut back to 17 minutes for 3 sessions and see how you respond. If you quit LLLT, you won't receive any benefits.

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Post by Hairy Dawgs » Fri Sep 11, 2009 6:29 am

FYI, I was playing around with emu oil on a slick spot and intentionally was trying to overstimulate it. I now know what the sunburned sensation is. It's exactly that, sunburned. So, if it doesn't feel like you've been baking in the sun, it probably isn't overstimulated.

I would like some help with the itchiness. Why is it happening and should I be doing something different? It's very mild and not even uncomfortable but I do notice a bit of an itch. Keep in mind, i'm fairly new at this and could use some instruction to get up to speed.

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Post by N0rwgnKid » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:52 am

Hairy Dawgs wrote:Norweigan: I've had the mildly ithy feeling but never felt sunburned. The itchy usually came the next day but never directly afterwards and was never overly itchy, meaning that I notice it, scratch and forget it for hours and it never feels uncomfortable. Is that overstimulation? Seems like there is a fine gray line.
I dont know, in fact, the issue of overstimulation hasnt been talked about much, since obviously most people have been having good results with 20 minutes 3 times a week. IME the 20 minutes gave me this "sunburn" like feeling, so I dropped to using it for 10 minutes 4 times a week instead. Now, I have a head pump and the "tight band" feeling, (most often, some days I dont, dont have a clue why), but I have eliminated the sunburn/itchy/sore scalp feeling, and my scalp feels better now. Hapyman are doing this also. The reason behind it is that it has been talked about that blondes, that obviously also has pretty light skin in addition, should experiment with less treatment times, because of greater laser-penetration.

I dont wanna tell you what to do, as you have to make up your own decision, I am just stating my experience. The 20x3 seems to be the ideal though for most, for me, I guess it wasnt. People are different, different skin types, etc etc. I guess you just have to experiment, find out what is best for you.

Hairless: Maybe you are going through a shed or something. You shouldnt freak out. I was in the middle of the "propecia shed" when I started lasering, so I guess i noticed less of it, but I definately shedded through the first month, due to which of the treatments, I dont know. I have better hair now than I did when I started, no doubt. So, hang in there. You know, it could very well be a sign that you are a great responder. Ride it out buddy ;)

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Post by hairless » Fri Sep 11, 2009 5:35 pm

Does anyone know anything about females using a laser? I do not seem to get any response from ladies. My problem is my hair line is receding so fast and I will not be able to hid it after a few more hairs go. I am so worried the laser is just killing my hairline and crown and it will never come back. Am I doing more harm than good? Please help.

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Post by hapyman » Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:33 pm

We had a few ladies that did LLLT over at regrowth and I believe most had good results too. Unfortunately the majority of hair loss sufferers are male though.

Hairless if you are truly worried you can experiment with other treatment times. Just for a week or two try 4 sessions of 10 minutes. Basically you do 10 minutes 2 days in a row. Take a day off and then do another 2 days in a row at 10 minutes. The 2 days in the row will give some accumulation and thus biostimulation but will also help to avoid possible over stimulation by doing one session of 20 minutes. Like Norwegian said though, most people do great on 20 minutes and our calculations show that there is little to no chance over over stimulation with 20 minutes.

Try to hang in there. It is still really really early. Everyone goes through shedding phases.

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