I'm 19, am I going to lose my hair. Advice?

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I'm 19, am I going to lose my hair. Advice?

Post by Somewhat worried » Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:45 am

Okay so, I am almost 19 and a half, and recently I've been quite worried about me losing my hair early. Mostly because my dad who is now late 50s and completely bald has told me he started to lose his hair when he was 20.

-My grandfather on my dads side is in his early 80s and is also completely bald, I'm not too sure when he started to lose it, I think it was a fair bit later than my dad.

-My dads brother is 60 and has a full head of hair, and his hairline looks roughly like mine, similar color too, but quite different pattern.

-My half-brother (from my dads side) who is 34 has a full head of hair, with a hairline that looks roughly like mine, but very different color and pattern.

-On my Mums side, she has no brothers but, my grandfather is in his 80's and has a good amount of hair (thinning alot but its there). And i've looked through some family photos and no males on my mums side lose their hair young, and most keep some hair into their old age.

Now as for me, my hair has the color of my fathers (though hard to tell), but it looks like it follows the general pattern of my mothers, considering where it parts and the protruding temple areas etc. I look like my father in most respects but with features of my mother (skin and hair placement over the body).
The reason I'm worrying now is that when i run my hands through the top of my hair (testing as it were) I find sometimes more hair comes out than should, sometimes nothing in my hands, but sometimes 1, sometimes 2, sometimes 4. It freaks me out when I gently pull at my hair sometimes and i have like 3 hairs between my fingers usually from the front. Second of all there's no way to know for sure, but the front of my hairline looks thinner than usual.

All in all i'm not sure, I would like some peace of mind one way or the other. Advise me.
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Re: I'm 19, am I going to lose my hair. Advice?

Post by Jacob » Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:06 pm

Somewhat worried..welcome to HLF..to start off- the amount of hair you're seeing in your hair is quite normal. Unless you kept doing that in a small area over and over and you keep seeing hair in your hands like that.

If I were in your situation I'd at least start using some not-so-harsh or crazy things to slow down or even halt the possibly inevitable.

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Re: I'm 19, am I going to lose my hair. Advice?

Post by laura07 » Sat Jun 07, 2014 8:30 am

Well don't worried about hair fall still you have good penalty of hairs. you can try biotin capsules But only after consult with doctor it will help you to stop hair fall

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Re: I'm 19, am I going to lose my hair. Advice?

Post by eva92watson » Mon Jun 09, 2014 5:14 am

I think you should get in touch with a Trichologist immediately. He will be the right person to help you.

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Re: I'm 19, am I going to lose my hair. Advice?

Post by future is with LLLT » Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:20 am

Don't be alarmed as yet. Examine your hair line vigilantly whether it recedes or not. I used to have a friend and we both experienced at 17-18 just like you - I am completely bald now but he has a full head of hair....
don't go the "hormone" propecia etc. stuff way. Read on and relax - there is no drama......


Laser Therapy has been around since last century and most people don't believe in it to date.. I can't stop wondering why?
Hair loss in men is almost ALWAYS a result of MPB - Male Pattern Baldness. Look at your father and if he is bold, so will you - if you are a guy - simple as that, or rather SAD as that.....
But there is light... it is LASER light...MPB can't be cured as yet - but it can be halted - AND reversed....AND kept at bay...
LLLT provides deep tissue stimulation via laser red light with 650nm wave length which penetrates beneath the scalp and directly stimulates hair follicles thus increases blood supply etc. etc.....
With MPB the hair follicles are literally "suffocated" by DHT (dihydrotestosteron) that restricts their nourishment.
There are 2 fronts to combat hair loss - THEY MUST BE TAKEN BOTH.
1 - LLLT follicle stimulation and
2 - DHT blocking
I guess people still don't believe in LLLT because they make the BIGGEST mistake - they buy the CHEAP device - weak LLLT devices such as laser combs. STAY AWAY from them - they DO have all approvals, medals and whistles - but they have one thing in common - THEY DO NOTHING FOR YOUR HAIR....
i am 58 and bald. My son started balding at 17. I paid for his laser clinic just to have piece of mind, not really believed in it myself. The result astonished me..It WAS expensive, but it worked.
After 6 months treatment ended his hair slowly started to recede again. I was looking at 4k each 6 months? Hell no, I am an electronic engineer so I built the 432 laser diode full head machine myself in my garage - and my son now has full head of hair. He uses my laser machine every day for 20 minutes...
It may take less than 432 of 5mW laser diodes to get your hair back. If your hairloss is less severe you could do with less, but never ever buy anything with less than 100 diodes - real LASER diodes, because some devices still use LED diodes - and I wonder why they do it?? Because LEDs do absolutely nothing for your hair...
There are great many useless devices on the market but only a couple can do it - but they are greatly overpriced - at least they work unlike the cheap combs that do nothing...
I wonder who buys them....

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Re: I'm 19, am I going to lose my hair. Advice?

Post by monikapinto04 » Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:22 am

hair transplant is permanent solution, but hair transplant surgery is too costly

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Re: I'm 19, am I going to lose my hair. Advice?

Post by future is with LLLT » Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:15 pm

HT is not a solution in your case - as the receding hairline will continue its course...HT is best for those with completion...
I'd try LLLT - no laser combs please -they are useless toys..

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Re: I'm 19, am I going to lose my hair. Advice?

Post by future is with LLLT » Thu Jul 17, 2014 3:58 pm

This thread now looks like the "battle" between LLLT and HT, and the one who asked for advice can't even bother to come back for more...
At least there will be a few viewers who hopefully will learn from this....

I don't know guys if you are affiliated with HT or just believe in it being the only cure - I believe he who advocates HT is either a HT surgeon himself or had it done on himself....I at least built my LLLT machine - and it works.....

CAN you - the HT people - explain to us how exactly can Hair Transplant fix the young guy's receding hairline? If it indeed is receding, it will not stop, right? So after 12 months there will be a visible gap between your transplant and his newly receded hairline...

Unless you hope that each 12 months he will come "for more" - good business strategy.
Thanks - but NO THANKS

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Re: I'm 19, am I going to lose my hair. Advice?

Post by propecianow » Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:50 am

Concern wath hair specialist docatot as soon as possible. Comb or brush your hair carefully, use hair serum from any product brands, after a shower, never rub your hair with a towel

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Re: I'm 19, am I going to lose my hair. Advice?

Post by future is with LLLT » Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:31 pm

and you never heard of MPB I guess....

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Re: I'm 19, am I going to lose my hair. Advice?

Post by ayurvedaforall » Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:29 pm

Having a head full of hair that is healthy, strong and free of problems is something most wish for. Unfortunately, we seem inundated with hair problems like premature greying, hair loss, dandruff, itching and scaling scalp, etc. Now, get respite from these hair problems and attain hair that bounces with health with Sesa Ayurvedic hair oil. It not only contains properties that help cure many of the hair problems that we suffer from but also rejuvenates the scalps and the roots and provides nourishment to the hair thus promoting hair growth.

Sesa oil contains a blend of eighteen herbal extracts and five herbal oils processed in milk and is prepared using the ancient Ayurvedic process of Tail Pak Vidhi. Each of its ingredients is chosen for its effectiveness in treating hair problems as well as for revitalizing hair and enhancing its growth.

The main ingredients in Sesa oil include Brahmi, known for its rejuvenating and hair fall preventing properties; Bringraj, known for giving hair a dark rich colour; Neem, known for its antifungal and antibacterial properties; Neelini, known for preventing dandruff and giving hair softness and shine and Mehndi, known for keeping hair glowing and lustrous. Since it contains only natural ingredients, Sesa oil can be used by anyone without causing any known side effects.

Regular massage with Sesa oil that has been slightly warmed has been proven to produce great results. One can start to notice a difference in hair texture, length, thickness and colour within weeks of regular use.

You can now say goodbye to thinning hair, split ends, grey hair and dandruff with the daily use of Sesa oil. Start on a bottle of Sesa oil today and acquire hair that is lustrous, shiny and best of all, problem-free.

Sesa Ayurvedic herbal oil is available in 500ml bottles and can be ordered online through www.ayurvedaforall.com.

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Re: I'm 19, am I going to lose my hair. Advice?

Post by lucygp » Sat Jan 03, 2015 8:30 pm

that bounces with health with Sesa Ayurvedic hair oil.

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Re: I'm 19, am I going to lose my hair. Advice?

Post by anna88 » Mon Jan 19, 2015 9:23 pm

if you are just losing hair on the crown (bald spot area), use propecia and generic rogaine foam.

if you have just a receding hairline, who cares just wear your hair how it is.

if you're thinning all over the top, goodnight sweet hair. Enjoy it while you have it and shave it off in 5 years.

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Re: I'm 19, am I going to lose my hair. Advice?

Post by billyborden » Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:32 pm

There are so many reasons behind the hair loss problems. I have just suggest that you should take the proper care of your hair like use herbal products for your hair. The Shampoo and oil or gel used for the hair are not made up of chemical, because these harms to the hair. Eat healthy diet supplements for the proper growth of the hair, because constipation are the main reason behind the hair loss problems.

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Re: I'm 19, am I going to lose my hair. Advice?

Post by rightsmith » Thu Mar 26, 2015 2:21 am

The hair loss problems is very common in these days in both men and women. There are so many reason the behind the hair loss problems like dandruff and unhealthy eating. The unhealthy diet are the main cause of the hair loss problems and mental Stress is another reason behind it.

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