Does Anything Work In My Situation??

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Does Anything Work In My Situation??

Post by jimbob75 » Thu Sep 30, 2010 5:07 am

Hi all

Any advice that anyone can give me would be absolutely great and much appreciated :)

I started receding at the 18 and to be truthful, expected to be bald by my mid-20s. However, I'm 35 now and still 'just' receding. I use inverted commas because it's still not ideal and I'd love to stop it if I could, even if the process does seem to be quite slow. It's certainly at that stage where it's limiting what I can do with it.

It is fairly thick in the middle and at the back though, with no emerging bald spot (yet anyway, fingers crossed).

This is the first year I have tried to do anything to halt the tide ..

I started by taking Provillius DHT blockers but developed bizarre body itches. I went to the docs who said it couldn't be caused by the tablets. Odd thoguh, as it stopped when I ceased taking them (and started again when I re-tried). Doctors huh? :)

Anyway - Provillus probably out (which means likely Procerin as I believe they are very similar in content)

So today I impulsively bought some Rogaine foam off the net - only to read afterwards that it is not especially effective for frontal receding. Oops, that'll teach me to not buy impulsively. Some accounts though say that it is only declared to be ineffective there because it was only tested at the back when they got approval? Would be very interested to know if anyone has used Rogaine for receding lines.

I'm put off Propecia as I have a fairly good and healthy physical r’ship with my other half and I really don’t want to go messing that up if I can help it.

After trawling the net for hours, it really does seem like there is NOTHING that can be done for a receding hairline .. is this really the case?

Charlie Bradley
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Neutrogena TGel
Paul Mitchell Formula One shampoo

Re: Does Anything Work In My Situation??

Post by Charlie Bradley » Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:52 am

While I cannot say for certain that it will work for you, trying Miconazole Nitrate (Monistat 7 or any generic store brand equivalent) is worth a try. Like you, I started to notice--rather my friends pointed it out--that I was thinning at 18-19 years old and by the time I was in my mid 20s it became very obvious. Having been on Nioxin and other vitamins as you see in my regimen on the right side of this posting, I added Miconazole just about a month ago and have seen some definite results in my scalp.

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Re: Does Anything Work In My Situation??

Post by Fizzball » Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:55 pm

A reseeding hairline may be a sign of things to come for the rest of your scalp so you may want to hold onto that rogaine for awhile yet or start using it now which should at least slow down your hair loss, it may also work for your hairline however keep in mind that this is a lifelong treatment which is a twice daily routine and may initially result in a shedding period.
I'm not a fan of rogaine but you do what you got to do, there are alternatives but weather or not they are viable is another matter but I guess thats why we are all here for so hopefully someone here can give it to you strait on whats real and whats not but at the end of the day you'll have to draw your own conclusions.
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Re: Does Anything Work In My Situation??

Post by himanshudpfoc » Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:23 am

Hi all,
I am a new member here and it’s been a long time I am facing this hair problem. I tried many products but believe me none of the product proved to be a solution of my problem. These days I am using Verseo shampoo and I found this product is quite good. Does anyone of you also have its experience?

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